OF12 Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 Flashcards
What are the four types of licences and what premises are they required for?
- On-licence (alcohol consumed on premises)
- Off-licence (alcohol consumed off premises)
- Club licence (on premises, cannot be open to public)
- Special licence
- not normally licenced. One off
Observably affected by alcohol, drugs and/or other substance that two or more of the following are evident
- appearance affected
- behaviour impaired
- coordination impaired
- speech impaired
What is a licenced premises
Any premises for which a licence is held
Restricted area
Area which under 18 must not be admitted
Supervised area
Area which minor cannot be admitted unless accompanied by parent or guardian
What must be displayed at licenced premises
- Copy of licence
- Manager’s name
National default maximum trading hours
On licence or club licence
8am - 4am following day
Off licence
7am - 11pm
Staff exemptions for minors in supervised/restricted areas
- cleaning, repairing, restocking
- removing/replacing equipment
- stocktaking
- checking/removing cash
- meal preparation
Minors found in restricted or supervised area
Presence is enough
Duty manager fined in court $2000 or $250 infringement
Minor fined $1000 in court of $250 infringement
Minors Purchasing Alcohol
Licence holder $2000
Minor $250
When is “outside licencing hours” and how much is the fine?
30 minutes after licence closing time
$2000 fine
What is vicarious liability?
Licencee or manager is legally liable as well for offences committed by bar staff
What is Section 252 and defence
Allows intoxicated person to be or remain on licenced premises
Defence: if they can prove they took reasonable steps to remove or take to safety
What is Section 253 and defence
Allows violent or disorderly conduct
Defence: took reasonable steps to remove person or take to safety
Defences when supplying alcohol to minors
Reasonable grounds to believe they are 18 e.g. they sighted an age document
Powers to Enter (2)
Section 267
At any time
- offence is being committed on those premises
At any reasonable time
- to ascertain if complying with this Act and their licence
What is Section 266
Power to close premises in order to prevent incidents or regain control of incidents
What is length of time for closure under Section 266?
No later than 24 hours from the end of the day the order was made
Section 269
Power to demand information
Must supply
Name, Address, DOB
Can arrest after you have cautioned them for their failure
Powers when Constable refused entry
No powers of arrest but can arrest for obstructing a constable
SOA 1981 Section 38(3)(b)
Minor in possession of alcohol for consumption
Must establish intent to drink in public place
Criteria to invoke Section 36 of Policing Act 2008
- person incapable of protecting themselves from physical harm
- likely to cause physical harm to another person
- likely to cause significant damage to property
Maximum period to be detained under Section 36
12 hours
Procedure when finding intoxicated person trespassing or in a public place
- Take home unless address not obtainable, not safe, impractical
- Take to temporary shelter (unless closed)
- Police station