ODD/Antisocial Personality Disorder Flashcards
oppositional behavior is often a normal part of development for two to ( )and early ( )
symptoms of ODD
- temper tantrums
- excessive arguing with adults
- questioning rules
- active defiance
- deliberate attempts to annoy or upset
- blaming others for mistakes or misbehavior
- touchy or easily annoyed with others
- anger and resentment
- hateful talking when upset
- spiteful and revenge seeking attitude
percentage of school age children with ODD
one to sixteen percent
are causes of ODD known
coexisting disorders to look for in children with ODD during diagnosis
- learning disabilities
- mood disorders
- depression
- bipolar disorder
- anxiety disorder
conduct disorder refers to
a group of behavioral and emotional problems in youngsters
factors contributing to a child developing conduct disorder
- brain damage
- child abuse
- neglect
- genetic vulnerability
- school failure
- traumatic life experiences
conduct disorder characteristics
- aggression to people and animals
- destruction of property
- deceitfulness, lying, or stealing
- serious violations of rules
coexisting conditions of children with conduct disorder
- mood disorders
- anxiety
- ptsd
- substance abuse
- adhd
- learning problems
early treatment for children with conduct disorder is necessary
to develop a comprehensive treatment plan one must do what
use information from the child, family, teachers, community
types of treatment/therapy that should work well
- behavior therapy
- psychotherapy
- multisystemic therapy/home-based therapy
- medications
normal reasons for children/teenagers misbehaving
- don’t understand rules
- feel the need to assert autonomy
- wish to test the limits put on them
abnormal reasons for children/teenagers misbehaving
- experiencing internal distress
- anger
- frustration
- disappointment
- anxiety
- sorrow
psychopathy and sociopathy is not a diagnosable illness found in the dsm, instead its called Antisocial personality disorder
antisocial personality disorder involves
- lack of empathy
- callous
- cynical
- contemptuous of feelings, rights, and sufferings of others
- inflated sense of self-importance
- excessively opinionated
- self-assured, or cocky
- glib
- superficial charm
- irresponsible and exploitative in sexual relationships
a personality disorder is
an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the norm of an individuals culture
personality disorder pattern
- cognition
- affect
- interpersonal functioning
- impulse control
antisocial personality disorder is diagnosed if
the person has had it since 15 years old but its only really diagnosed by 18 years or older
symptoms of antisocial personality disorder
- failure to conform to social norms
- deceitfulness
- impulsivity
- irritability and aggressiveness
- reckless disregard
- consistent irresponsibility
- lack of remorse
how much more prevalent is ASPD in males then in females
the 12 month prevelance of the disorder is between
as people age their sysmptoms for aspd lowers usually around 40-50
researchers dont know what causes antisocial personality disorder
biopsychosocial model of causation that psychologists subscribe to is this
causes are more likely due to biological and 1. genetic factors
- social factors
- psychological factors
treatment for aspd
long term psychotherapy
two subtypes of conduct disorder depending on age of person
- childhood onset type
2. adolescant onset type
the subtypes are created based on
- conduct problems
- developmental course and prognosis
- gender ratio
individuals with childhood onset type are usually
- male
- display physical aggression toward others
- have disturbed peer relationships
- may have had oppositional defiant disorder
adolescant onset type is defined by the absence of any criteria characteristic of conduct disorder prior to age 10 years
adolescant onset type is less likely to display aggressive behaviors and tend to have more normal peer relationships. these individuals are less likely to have severe conduct disorder or to develop adult antisocial personality disorder.
the ratio of males to females with conduct disorder is
lower for the adolescent-onset type than for the childhood-onset type