chapter 8 Flashcards
not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI)
mental illness
a disorder or disease of the mind that is judged by experts to interfere substantially with a person’s ability to cope with life on a daily basis
mental disorder does not
does not imply that a person is sick and needs to be pitied
mental retardation
known as developmental disability, measured by IQ tests and cannot be cured
the DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders
the committed appointed by the American psychiatric association
specific reasons for mental disorders 2
- persons with these disorders are not crime prone
2. even if an individual is diagnosed with these disorders, he or she still can e held responsible for criminal conduct
yje four categories of mental disorders most relevant
- schizophrenic disorders
- paranod disorders
- mood disorders
- personality disorder called antisocial peronsality disorder
schizophrenic disorders
the mental disorder that people most often associate with crazy behavior since it frequently manifests itself in highly bizarre actions. a small portion of violent crimes are committed by schizophrenics
false beliefs about the world
involves sensing or perceiving things or events that others do not sense or perceive
there are five charectritsocs of schizophrenia in the dsm which there must be two of identified before a diagnoses can be made
- delusion
- halluncations
- disorganized speech
- grossly disorganized
- innapprorpate affect
five subtypes of schizophrenia
- disorganized
- catatonic
- paranoid
- undifferentiated
- residual
disorganized type
show innapprprate affect
catatonic type
severe disturbances in muscular and voluntary movement
paranoid type
characterized by delusions and hallucinations
undifferentiated type
shows psychotic symptoms that cannot be classified into any of the foregoing categories
residual type
have had at least one episode
delusional disorders
also called paranoid disorders, are characterized by the presence pf one or more non bizarre delusions that persist for at least one month
schizophreniform disorder
shows at least two indicators of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized difficulty in classifying schizophrenic disorders in general
major depressive disorders
also known as affective/mood/and bipolar depressive disorders. include extremely depressed state that lasts for at least two weeks, and is accompanied by a generalized slowing down of mental and physical activity, gloom, despair, feelings of worthlessness, and perhaps frequent thoughts of suicide
antisocial personality disorder
conduct disorder
reserved for children and adolescents before they can be diagnosed with apd
competency and criminal reposnsibility
a decision must e made here to see if the client is mentally sound enough to have committed the crime and be put in jail
incompetency to stand trial
- the adjucattive competence
- competence to stand trial
- incompetance to stand trial