Observing Microorganisms Through a Microscope Flashcards
Light Microscopy ?
any microscope that uses visible light
series of lenses and visible light
Compound Light Scope
How do you find total magnification?
Objective x Ocular
ability of a lens to distinguish 2 points as separate
measure of the light bending ability of a medium
Refractive Index
field of vision is illuminated
Brightfield illumination
Disc on scope blocks light and limits what enters object
background is dark and specimen appears light
used to examine unstained organisms
Darkfield Microscopy
Allows examination of internal structures in living org.
Does not require “Fixing”
Requires 2 light rays, one is defracted or bent
specimens show in shades of gray and black
Phase Contrast Microscopy
a prism splits light adding color to the specimen the image appears 3D
Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
specimen absorbs UV light and gives off visible light
Flourescence Microscopy
used to view objects smaller the .2um - requires a beam of electrons rather than a beam of light
Electron Microscopy
image made from the telescope . magnification is 10,000 to 100,000
platinum or gold spray is applied one side of specimen creating shadow
Shadow Casting
kills and distorts specimen , requires very thin section of specimen
coloring the specimen with dye to emphasize structures
uses heat - kills microbes, attaches to slide, preserves some cell structures
thin film of material containing the specimen - must air dry
consists of 1 positive and 1 negative ion, one has color and is called the chromophore
uses single basic dye
cellular structure visible and shape
Mordant - increases the affinity of a stain
Simple Stains
Primary stain - crystal violet
Mordant - iodine
Decolorizing Agent - alcohol
Counterstain - safranin
Gram Stain
stains bind to bacteria that have waxy substance in cell wall
identify : myobacterium tuberculosis and Myobacterium leprae
Carbolfuschin is applied to fixed smear
methylene nlue is counter stain for negative
Acid Fast Stain
used to stain specific parts of an organism
Special Stains
bacteria mixed with India ink or nigrosin for background and then simple stain
Negative Stain
gelatinous covering on some bacteria
degree to which a pathogen can cause a disease
malachite green
Endospore Stain
carbolfuschin and mordant build diameter
Flagella stain