Microbial World & You Ch. 1 Flashcards
What are Microbes?
living things that individually are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
What is the binomial system of Nomenclature?
1735 Linnaeus created scientific name using genus and species underlined.
What are the types of microbes?
- Bacteria
- Archaea
- Fungi
- Protozoa
- Algae
- Viruses
- Multicellular parasites
- Bacteria
- unicellular, prokaryote
- bacillus, coccus, spirals
- has peptidoglycan layer
- divided binary fission
- may have flagella
- Archaea
- ancient prokaryotes
- no known pathogens
- methanogens: produce methane gas from cellular process
- Extreme halophiles - salt loving - Great Salt Lake
- Extreme Thermophiles - found in hot sulfur water
- Fungi
- eukaryotes
- unicellular or multicellular
- cell walls made of chitin
- Reproduce sexually or asexually
- Absorb organics from environment
- Protozoa
- unicellular eukaryotes
- movement through pseudopodia, cilia
- reproduce sexually or asexually
- absorb or ingest nutrients
- Algae
- photosynthetic eukaryotes
- sexual or asexual reproduction
- may have cell walls of cellulose
- found in fresh or salt water
- Viruses
- Acellular (unable to reproduce on its own)
- Nucleic acid surround by a protein coat which may have lipid envelope
- Multicellular parasites
- flat and round worms = helminthes
- usually have microscopic stage of life
What are the domains?
- bacteria
- archaea
- Eukarya (protists, fungi, plants, animals)
Robert Hooke ?
1665 used term “Cell” because noticed small boxes in plant tissue.
Van Leeuwenhoek ?
1673 - 1723
improved first microscope and can see living cells
Spontaneous generation - belief that living things arise from non living matter
Francisco Redi ?
opponent of spontaneous generation
filled 2 jars with decaying meat - left one unsealed and developed maggots
John Needham ?
proponent of spontaneous generation
heated chicken broth in sealed flasks - microbes formed - claimed grew spontaneously
Spallanzani ?
opponent of spontaneous generation - claimed microbes entered broth after boiled
Rudolf Virchow ?
concept of biogenesis - living cells arise only from pre-existing cells and was supported by Pasteur’s
Louis Pasteur ?
Placed broth in S-necked flasks then boiled and cooled - neck trapped microbes - broth sterile - 100 years later no contamination
What is an Aseptic Technique?
prevent contamination by unwanted microbes - 1st responsibility of micro students
What is Fermentation?
microbes convert sugars to alcohols without oxygen, like beat and wine. If contaminated with type of bacteria spoilage occurs forming acetic acid.
What is Pasteurization?
heating just enough to kill most microbes without spoiling product
What is Germ Theory?
microbes are capable of physically and chemically altering organic material in plants and animals.
What did Lister do in 1860 ?
applied germ theory in medical procedure - treating surgical wounds with carbolic acid to decrease infection
What did Koch do in 1876 ?
searched causative agent of anthrax that was killing sheep and cattle - created Koch’s postulates
What did Jenner do?
vaccine from smallpox - scrapings cowpox lesion and inoculated into 8 year old boy who never developed
treatment of a disease using chemicals
first to use a synthetic drug in 1910 to treat syphilis
Paul Ehrlich
Who found Antibiotics in 1928?
Alexander fleming - noticed a zone of inhibition around contaminant fungus growing on bacterial plate
study of bacteria micro organisms
study of fungi
studies of protozoans and parasitic worms
study of viruses
studies how DNA controls protein synthesis
Molecular biology
studies relationships between microbes and environment
microbial ecology
using microbes to clean up environmental pollutants
bacteria are added to dusting powder of plants
Insect Controle
Inserting a missing gene or replacing a defective gene in human cells to treat disease
Gene Therapy
Commercial use to produce food and chemicals
microbes in or on the human body
normal microbiota/ flora
ability to ward off disease
microbes attach to each other and to solid surfaces such as rocks in moving water
pathogen invades a susceptible host, living out parts of life cycle causing disease
Infectious Disease
one that is new or changing and have increased or have potential to increase.
Emerging Infectious Disease (EID)
killed 24 people and millions of domesticated birds in 2003
Avian Influenza A (bird flu)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome - China 2002 viral infection
treated with penicillin but developed resistance in 1950 due to overuse and mutations that allowed stronger bacteria to survive.
S. aureus
Uganda 1937 - came to North America in 1999 - carried by birds transmitted to humans and horsed by mosquitoes
West Nile Encephalitis
Tuberculosis - multi-drug resistant forms
caused by an infectious protein called a prion - caused by infected sheep that were used to make cattle feed - Creutzfeldt - Jakob Disease
Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis
lab tech in hospital in congo had bloody diarrhea and underwent exploratory surgery.
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever 1976
homosexuals dying form pneumocystis, decreased immune system
(AIDS) Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome