CH. 15 Methods of Pathogenicity Flashcards
What are the three portals of entry?
- Mucus Membrane: open to outside.
- Skin: 1st line of defense.
- Parenteral Routs: bites, cuts, allow org. to live under the skin.
Numbers of Pathogens
- lethal dose for 50% of hosts/ indicates virulence.
- dose needed to produce infection in 50% host / used to compare toxicity.
How do Pathogens penetrate the host?
- Capsules
- Cell wall structure
- Enzymes
- Wax
- Capsules
- impairs phagocytosis
- antibodies against capsule
- s. pneumonie, klebsiella, pneuomoniae
- Cell Wall Structure
- M protein in some= attachment, protection to heat
- streptococcus pyogenes
- Enzymes
- leukocides
- hemolysins
- Coagulase - fibrinogen; allows a wall off (hide)
- Kinases - breaks down collagen fibers.
- Hyaluronidase: breaks down, hyouronic acid
- Collagenase- breaks down collagen
- Wax
- found in some cell walls
- resist digestion by some phagocytes
- Myobacterium tuberculosis can divide inside a white blood cell
Direct Damage:
pathogen invades hosts cell
Toxin Production
- ability to produce toxins
- found in blood
-produced during normal growth and metabolism.
(most lethal toxin known to humans : clostridium)
- kills host cells
- attack nervous system
- attack lining of digestive tract
- antibodies made against toxin not bacteria
Erythrogenic Toxin-
Botulism Toxin-
Tetanus Toxin-
Staph Toxin-
- clostridium diphtheriae
- S. pyogenes
- C. botulinum
- C. tetani
- S aureus
Pathogenic Properties of other Microbes
- Viruses
-attachment sites mimic substances useful to the host cell
-Cytocidal vs. non-cytocidal
kills host cells. does not kill host cells
Pathogenic Properties of other Microbes
- Fungi
- candida albicans produces protease
- ergot - toxin produced by a fungol plant pathogen ingest = causes hallucinations
- grains, seeds, carcinogen
- in mushroom deadly
Pathogenic Properties of other Microbes
- Protozoan
-single cell, more complex than bacteria eukarya.
transmitted by vectors: sand flies, mosquitoes
Pathogenic Properties of other Microbes
- Helminthes
-small part of life cycle is microscopic
deprive host of nutrients; movement through digestive system