CH.23 Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System Flashcards
What is Septicemia?
- proliferation of microbes in blood
- creates a toxic condition called Sepsis
- if endotoxins are produced it could cause systemic vasodilation resulting in a drop in blood pressure which could lead to shock.
What is childbirth Fever?
its caused by a uterine infection of Streptococcus pyogenes after childbirth or abortion
could progress peritonitis which could lead to septicemia
-inflammation of the heart caused by Streptococcus sp
-caused by a hemolystic strep infection somewhere in the body
-bacteria are often released during a tooh or tonsil extraction
common in those with compromised heart issues
-Acute Edocarditis - caused by S aureus infection- causes rapid destruction of heart valves- often opportunistic form dental work
What is Rheumatic Fever?
Result of an S. pyogenes infection
-considered an autoimmune disease - body attempts to destroy the M protein and damages the heart valves and joint
What is Lyme’s Disease?
- causative agent is Borrelia burgdorgeri - spirochete
- field mice are the reservoirs, deer ticks are the vector
- 10,000 causes in US anually
- 75% of cases exhibit bull’s eye rash
What is Plaque?
Causative agent Yersinia pestis
- transmission is form flea bites in rodent infested areas
- endemic in squirrels, rodents, prairie dogs SW US
- Bacteria proliferate in lymph nodes and blood
- 50-70% mortality rate if left untreated
What is Tularemia?
“rabbit fever”
- causative agent Francisella tularensis
- infection is through inhalaltion, ingestion, bites, minor cuts in skin
- only 10 bacteria are needed to cause disease
- natural immunity is permanent
What is Anthrax?
causative organism is Bacillus antracis which is a G+ spore forming, exotoxin producing aerobe
- endospores have been known to survive up to 60 years in the soil
- Can enter through small abrasions in the skin = cutaneous form
- can enter through inhalation = pulmonary form - has a much higher mortality rate than the cutaneous form
- vaccine consists of 6 inoculations given over 18 months with annual boosters
What is Gangrene?
causative agent Clostridium perfringes
-G+ bacillus, obligate anaerobe, spore former, toxin producer
occurs in wound where blood supply has been interupted causing ischemia
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
causative agent Rickettsia ricketsii and various species
- common in SE US
- form of Typhus - creates a high fever and a macular rash similar to the measles - develops on palms and soles
- death could result from kidney or heart failure
- antibiotics effective is used early
Cat Scratch Fever
causative agent Bartonella henselae
- org. is common in saliva but since cats groom their fur it is there also
- 40,000 US cases
- 3-10 day incubation period resulting in inflammation and pustules at site of infection, lymph nodes swell, fever develops
causative agent PROTOZOAN of genus Plasmodium sp
- tranmission requires mosquito
- once in blood, protozoan lives in live and proliferates
- cases increase worldwide due to increased travel
- kills an African child every 30 seconds
- patiens may carry 100 trillion parasites
causative agent one of 20 different PROTOZOAN species
- causes lesions on the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs
- transmitted by sand flies
causative agent is spore forming PROTOZOAN called Toxoplasm gondii
- eggs are shed in cat feces and ingested from unwashed hands or ingested in undercooked meats
- cytolysis of host cells and forms cysts in soft tissue like brain
- especially dangerous to fetus - can cause brain damage or stillborn birth
causative agent flagellated PROTOZOAN called Trypanosoma cruzi
- common in SW US and South America
- carried by a kissing bug vector bites humans as they sleep.
- Mexico, bugs are eaten as a aphrodisiac which allows to enter
- transmitted to blood transfusions
- damages heart, lungs, esophagus
causative agent is FLUKE (helminth) of genus Schistosoma sp
- female lives in a groove on the males body
- body mounts defense against eggs in tissue reults in lesions
- water contaminated with urine or feces deposits eggs in the water which develop larva
Infectious Mononucleosis
causative agent is VIRUS called Epstein Barr Virus
- spreads through saliva with incubation period of 4-7 weeks
- 20% of US population carries virus - common in ages 15-25
- Symptoms caused by T cell response
- linkes to lymphomas
caused by FILOVIRUS
-hemorrhagic with 90% mortality rate
1st seen in africa
Hanta Virus
Causative agent Sin Nombre Virus
- common in SW US near four corners
- transmission is airborne as dust contaminated with urine/feces of rodents
- manifests as a pulmonary infection