Observations Flashcards
research methods
What do observational methods involve?
Observing the behaviour of participants
NOT experiments as there is no manipulation of the IV
Involves watching, recording and interpreting behaviour
What is a naturalistic observation and what’s its opposite?
Involves observing naturally occurring behaviour in the participants’ natural environment so is high in ecological validity
Opposite of controlled observations
What are controlled observations and what is its opposite?
Involves observing behaviour in a controlled situation that has been set up by the researcher
Opposite of naturalistic observation
What are participant observations and what is its opposite?
When the researcher joins in with the group of people that are observing, may be with or without the knowledge of the participants
Opposite is non participant observation
What are Non Participant observations and what’s its opposite?
When the researcher observes the behaviour of interest from the ‘outside’
Opposite is participant observations
What’s a covert observation and what’s its opposite?
When the researcher is unknown to the participants so their true identity is not known (undercover)
Opposite is overt observations
What are overt observations and what’s its opposite?
The researchers identity is known to the participants and knows that they’re being observed
Opposite is covert observation
What’s a structured observation and what’s its opposite?
When data is collected using a predetermined coding system e.g. a tally chart where predetermined behaviours are recorded each time they occur
Opposite is unstructured observations
What’s an unstructured observation and what’s its opposite?
When data is collected ad hoc. The researcher will watch the behaviour and record anything of interest
Opposite is structured observations
What are the advantages of the observation method?
More valid, as what people say they do on questionnaires or interviews is often different from what they actually do
They provide a means of conducting preliminary investigations in a new area of research to produce hypotheses for future investigations
What are the disadvantages of the observational method?
Observer bias leading to low inter-rater reliability
Ethical problems such as deception or invasion of privacy
How to design/ carry out an observation
- Decide which behaviour to observe
- Decide whether to use a controlled or a naturalistic observation
- Decide whether the observation will be structured or unstructured
Structured- tally chart with behavioural categories - Decide how to sample the behaviour taking place (time or event)