Key Terms Flashcards
Define psychology
The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those which affect behaviour
Define introspection
The systematic analysis of your conscious experience of a stimulus
Define inferences
To infer is to go beyond the evidence presented to make assumptions about mental processes that cannot be directly observed
Define Schema
Little ‘packages’ of information/ideas that are filled through experience and help us make sense of the world. They provide a framework for understanding and we refer to these when new incoming information is received.
What is the Oedipal complex?
Takes place in the phallic stage. Freud believed that young boys have a jealousy and dislike for their fathers a as they desire their mothers romantically. they then develop a fear of their fathers as they know if he finds out their true feelings he will be angry. This develops into castration anxiety whereby the young boy becomes scared that their father will castrate them as punishment so repress their incestuous feelings. overtime he will start to identify with his father, whilst doing so the young boy will start to internalise his sense of morality. this is when the superego is formed.
What is the Electra complex?
The female equivalent of the Oedipal complex. Girls instead experience penis envy as they recognise their father has a penis and they don’t. they hate their mother and as a result desire their father. They replace the desire they have for their father with the desire for a baby instead so identify with their mothers to learn how to do this.
Define defence mechanisms
Strategies used by the ego to protect us from situations that cause anxiety.
Define structuralism
A method of interpretation and analysis of aspects of human cognition, behaviour, culture, and experience, which focuses on relationships of contrast between elements in a conceptual system.
Define Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
The stimulus which causes an automatic reaction (the UCR).
Define Neutral Stimulus (NS)
Something which doesn’t naturally produce a response of any kind.
Define Unconditioned Response (UCR)
The natural reaction to the UCS.
Define Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Once the NS has been paired with the UCS s number of times it becomes the CS.
Define Conditioned Response (CR)
The behaviour in response to the CS. This is not a natural reaction, it is learned (conditioned).
Define positive reinforcement
The addition of something positive following a behaviour will encourage that behaviour to continue.
Define negative reinforcement
The removal of something negative following a behaviour will encourage the behaviour to continue.
Define punishment
The addition of something negative following a behaviour will discourage later displays of that behaviour.
Define vicarious reinforcement
Looking to see how a role models behaviour was received before we imitate it. if the role model was positively reinforced, we are more likely to imitate their behaviour than if it was punished.
Define identification
Identifying with the role model if they possess similar characteristics to ourselves and/or hold a sense of status that is to be desired. the more similar the role model is to us, the more likely it is that imitation/modelling will occur.
what are meditational factors?
The likelihood of imitation depends on mediational factors. It suggests mental processes play a role in determining behaviour.
What is Attention?
What is Retention?
What is Motor reproduction?
What is Motivation?