Nutrition - Plants Flashcards
Name the two solutions for animals since they cannot make their own food?
- Herbivory -> Eat Plants (seeds, sap, nectar, dead plant material)
- Predation -> Eat other animals
An animal that eats dead plant matter is called a _______.
Animals that feed on food that passes by them are called ________.
Filter Feeders.
Give examples of filter feeders.
Black Fly larva using their labral brushes
Dapplers and Puddle Ducks scooping water and filtering through their lamallae
What the filter sieve on Puddle ducks called?
Puddle Ducks use their ____ +___ to filter feed from the water.
Lamallae and tongues
Hummingbird adaptations for sucking nectar.
- Large proboscis (long tongue)
- Long beak
- Little spoon on tip of tongue
- Hyoid Horns and the Hyoid Apparatus (extendible tongue that loops around their skull and eyes)
How to suck sap? Give examples of bugs/
Stylets - piercing mouth parts that are long and narrow that help with sap sucking
True Bugs, Aphids
Describe the yellow bellied sap sucker sap sucking process.
drills holes different sizes to suck different tree material depending on the season.
Tree cafe for other bugs lol
Name a couple ways animals break down the tough structural components of plants.
Mandibles, cheek teeth, radula
What are mandibles, give animal example.
Insect/caterbillar apparatus that helps shear off plant tissue.
What are radula, give animal example.
Slug chainsaw like conveyor belt inside their mouth that breaks down plant tissue.
Insects that eat the leaves from inside the leaf membranes. Give example.
ex. Leaf Blotch miner
Mammals modified teeth for breaking down plants are called _____.
Structural components that help Moose break down plant matter.
lower incisors that break off material
cheek teeth that grind it powered by large masseters
Define masseters.
Large muscles on the side of the head especially in herbivores.
Things that all preform the same function but arise from different origins are called _________ ________.
Analogous structures.
_____ ____ ___ and _____ are all analogous structures.
mandibles, radula and cheek teeth.
What is a gizzard? What animal has one.
A second stomach before the other stomach that helps break down plant material. Has a grater like surface with cuticle lining.
Spruce Grouse
What to slugs and snails produce to aid digestion?
digestive enzymes
What do caterpillars do since they dont have digestive enzymes?
eat a fuk ton. since they waste alot of nutrients and can’t absorb a lot.
Eat 10 times their body weight but food is plentyful so this is okay.
What do moose to to aid digestion?
Uses rumination and cough their food back up and chew it again
What is the rumen / rumination?
The first stomach of an animal that holds bacteria that helps digest the food.
The relationship between the bacteria in the rumen and the moose is a _______ ________.
Symbiotic Relationship
What is coprophagy and what animal does this?
Eating the poop first time through to absorb the left over nutrients.
Snowshoe hairs and beavers
What is a caecum and what animal has this?
A long extension off the intestine where bacteria resides to aid with digestion.
Snowshoe hairs.
Porcupines dont need to use coprophagy, why?
They have a super long digestive track.
Grouse have a ____ and ____ to help with digestion.
Gizzard and caeca.
An animal that eats fruit all the time is called a _____.
Define seed predators, give examples.
animals that eat the seed
Chipmunks + birds
Define seed dispersers, give examples
animals that eat the fruit and spread the seed in their poop.
Bears and waxwings.
Physical adaptations of waxwings to eat fruit
Large gape
small gizzard
short intestine
Why do waxwings need to digest quickly?
So they can make room for more fruit as they need to eat a lot of fruit to get proper nutrients.
Goldfinches physical adaptation for getting at seeds.
special beaks that can open seeds like a can opener
Red Crossbills physical adaptation for getting at seeds.
eat pincones
crossed mandiblies
long extendible tongue
massive gizzard for grinding seeds
Red squirrels have ____ for helping them to eat pinecones.
incisors with hard coats
What is vein drain? What animal does this?
when bugs bite a plants leaf veins to limit the amount of chemicals in the leaf.
Milkweed beetles.
What helps herbivores neutralize toxins in plants?
Enzymes to neutralize the plants MFOs (mixed function oxidases)
Difference between Specialists and Generalists.
S -> specific type of plant
G -> variety of different plants
How do moose keep up their bodily sodium content?
- stock up before winter by eating aquatic plants
- store sodium during the winter in their rumen
- eat balsam fir needles
- eat road ditch water during the winter