LECTURE 16 / 17 - Animal Sex Flashcards
The ultimate drive of plants and animals is to what?
Achieve genetic immortality through reproduction.
Sex can be internal or external. Give two examples of two larger animals that use external fertilization.
Bass Fish
Frogs and Toads
What is the special stimulating frog squeeze called?
Why is internal fertilization better?
Has better odds to guarantee fertilization
How do freshwater sponges have sex?
Release sperm in the water and another sponge will pick it up.
What is a hermaphrodite? Give two examples of animals that are hermaphroditic
Has both male and female reproductive organs.
Sponges + Clams
How does hermaphrodism double the chances of reproducing?
Because the males can give and recieve sperm.
Describe snow flea springtails internal fertilize without meeting their partners.
Males drop little spermatophores on the ground for the female to pick up.
How do slugs and snails have sex?
Are hermaphroditic and have internal fertilization by putting their love darts into each other.
What is a gastropod?
Intromittent organ to get sperm to eggs (penis)
Name the 5 Hemaphrodites
clams freshwater sponges slugs snails earthworms
Why are most slow or sedentary animals hermaphrodites?
To double their changes of reproducing by being both sexes.
Slugs and snails have a chemical on their intromittent organ to do what?
Stimulate it to make sure the sperm does to the egg.
How do spiders have sex?
Use their special mouth parts called palp or pedipalps (IO) and suck up their own sperm and put it into the female.
How do snakes have sex?
Have two intromittent organs called Hemipenes (only one used at a time)
What is a penis?
Tool for delivering sperm closer to eggs, stimulation is a secondary function.
Why is stimulation a good thing?
Because sometimes the female has a say in whether she becomes fertilized or not.
Why is the penis stored away?
So it doesn’t catch on stuff or drag in the water.
Name the intromittent organs for slugs + snails, snakes and spiders.
love darts (slugs + snails)
Hemipenes (snakes)
Pedipalps (spiders )
Instead of a penis what do birds have? How do they use it?
Cloaca and will press their cloacas together in a cloacal kiss
A penis bone is called a ____.
How do barnacles find their mate?
Have a wandering penis 40 x their body length and move it around to find their mate.
How do songbirds find their mate?
Auditory advertisements
How do woodpeckers advertise?
Non-vocal advertisement by drumming on wood
How do ruffled grouse advertise?
By drumming by creating a vacuum with their wings to make a noise
How do Wilsons Snipes advertise?
by making a non-vocal sound with their tails called winnowing
How do crickets and grasshoppers advertise? What is this process called?
Make noises by rubbing their wings and legs together. Stridulation.
How do band winged grasshoppers advertise?
Crepitate with their hind wings
What do cicadas (insects) do to advertise?
use their timbals (muscle that snaps)
What adaptations do frogs have to vocal advertise?
Have an expandible vocal sac to create amplifie sound because it acts as a resonating chamber (leopard toads have two vocal sacs)
Male Bullfrogs have large tympanum
What adaptation do birds have that allows them to sing two songs at one time?
Syrinx (group of muscles) trachea that leads to two bronchi
What are the two functions of a songbirds song?
Declaration of territory
Attract mates
How do female birds choose their mate?
How well the male bird sings
What is the mating for moose called?
The Rut
How do moose mate?
Female calls and males come thrashing in.
What are the disadvantages of advertising? (2)
- Predators and parasitoids can hear
- Cheaters called satellite males can exploit the efforts of other males
Describe the visual advertisement of ducks
Brighter colours = better sexual selection
brighter colours reveal the age and health of the bird
Describe the Wilsons Phalarope courting process.
Female courts the male and have brighter colours. Males sit on the eggs while the females have multiple partners.
What is sexual dimorphism
Males are brightly coloured and and females are not (reversed in the phalaropes)
Phalaropes are ______
Polyandrous (female with multiple males)
How do house finches choose their mates? Why is this?
Based on bright colours because bright colours = good diet = better chance of finding food for the baby.
What are ornaments?
Modified parts of the body that help with sexual selection and showcase status or maturity.
Give an example of an animal with an ornament
Puffins have bills with grooves that grow in with age. Give this info to female indirectly. Older = survivor and better at providing food for babies.
What part of the body is an ornament for moose?
The antlers
The pointy part of the antler is called the _____ and ___ is the flat part
Tines and palm
What do moose antler show the females for sexual selection?
Age, health and status
Why are antlers indicators of health?
Because they take a lot of energy to grow and only healthy moose can grow them big
What do moose do when two males come in to a females call? What does this do?
Put on an antler display and check to see who has bigger antlers. This diffuses aggression
How do moose learn this antler display?
By sparring
What do male dobsonfly have to determine sexual selection?
Large tusks as ornaments
What is courtship?
A type of visual advertising that includes an elaborate ritualized displays
Male ducks have ____ displays
Male ruffed grouse use their ____ ___ and ___ display. This is called a ____ display
Neck Ruff and tail display.
Ruff display
Midges (small bugs) and Ebony Jewel-wings use ___displays.
Male fireflies use ______ ____ displays
Aerial Light Displays
What kind of display do swans do?
Choreographed synchronized displays done by both members.
Wild turkeys visually advertise by doing this.
Showing off their tails and strutting.
What special features do male wild turkeys have during mating season? (3)
- Major caruncle
- Beard
- Snood (beak booger)
What do visual advertisement do sandhill cranes do?
A ritualized jumping dance
What is a communal display of a bunch of males dancing in an area called? What two animals do this?
Wild Turkeys + Sharp-Tailed Grouse
What are chemical advertisements?
olfactory advertisements (sex pheromones)
Moose analyze these sex pheromones with their ______ _____.
Jacobson Organ
What do moose do to accentuate their scent?
Create a rut pit/wallow pit. (pee pit and roll in it)
How do female snakes attract their mates?
Leave a pheromone trail and males will track it.
Pheromones are commonly used by insects and usually females produce them. Males have ___ ____ to track these pheromones.
Special antenna
Female Moths advertise with pheromones and release their pheromones in ___. Males will do what to track them?
Special flight pattern with special antenna
Pheromones have a secondary role, what is it? What two animals do something funky for stimulation to their partners?
Hares + Porcupines pee on their partners
Cedar waxwings have courtship displays that involve ________.
Gift Giving
Male Terns will bring back a ton of fish to a female this is an example of ___ ____. What does this prove?
Gift Giving courtship. That they are a good mate because they can find a lot of food.
Three insects that give gifts to their partners. Why do they do this?
Scorpions flies
Dance Flies
To avoid being eaten
What do marsh wrens do to impress females?
Make a bunch of dummy nests.
More dummy nests = more laaadiiiessss
Male bass and bluegill sunfish also offer nests to the females. What weird evolutionary adaptation to their species have?
Three forms of males!! Two are satellite males
When males attempt to guarantee their paternity what is this called?
Contact guarding
What do dragonflies do to guarantee paternity? What is this position called?
Claspers and hold onto the female until she lays her eggs. Position is called the wheel.
Mating over a couple days is called ___ ____ and is a form of contact guarding. What animal does this?
Long Copulations
Walking Sticks use their claspers and latch onto the female for 2-3 days
What is a copulatory plug
prevents other males from mating
Examples of copulatory plugs.
headless sperm (beetles) Giant Sperm (featherwing beetles) Cement plug (mosquitos) Their own bodies (honeybees)
What do mosquitos also ejaculate with sperm
anti-aphrodisiacs to turn off other males