NUTRITION Flashcards
Who regulates the nutrition of eating pleaces
Regional health inspection
rules for preparing food
its always goes in one direction
what does hygenic control contian
- transport - the vehicles should only be used for food, if the food is perishable shoudl be refrigerated and each time should be disnfected after each use
- location - eating places require a permit for the operation of food, make sure in a safe area (sewage )
storage of food
humidity temperature, food should be labelled protect from sunlight do not mix perishable and non p foods together
at least 2 storehouses - dry food and canned food
veg and fruits should be kept in separate rooms, kept well ventilated , protected form rodents (rat proof doors ectc) and insects
arrange food in trays, racks and sheleves, food on the floor not allowed as well as non food items in the store room
seperate fridges
- meat products
- dairy products and food for immeadiate consumption in another
- fish seprate
rules for preparation food
can’t use the same utensils to prepare different food
not allowed to defrost meat, fish, poultry in hot water
prepared in a separate room or outside corner
- soaked in 2% sodium bicarbonate and tempe of 30 -40 degrees for 30 minutes
- washed in warm water
- soaked in disinfectant solution (most often 2% of chloride lime) for 10 mins
- rinsed
how long can food wait before being cooked
fish - no more than 30 mins
meat - an hour
prepared food
should have good organoleptic properties (smell, taste
good temp
food should be served immediately afte rbeing made and no more than 3 hours later
if they are left overs can store in a separate refrigerator for no more than 30 hours 0-4 degrees
should be prepared and placed on clean utensils made up of porcelain, stainless steel or glass.
the dining rooms
good microclimate, cosy clean nice vibes
tables covered with clean tablecltohs
cleaning and disinfection and how to tell its clean
use chemical detergents and chemical disinfectants make sure you don’t leave the chemicals on the surfaces as you can contaminate the food.
you can take samples from the hands of workers etc, surfaces to check for e.coli etx
disposal of waste
need secure impervious bins
and taken our twice daily
what are the most likely things to contaminate food
HEP A, E dysentery salmonella strep and staphy cysts
food handlers
need a medical examination before they can be in contact with the food- done by GP
if they have a history of dysentery, tb or other communicable diseases should not be employed.
need to have a negative mb test for salmonella, shigella, parasites (helminths)
after a year should be repeated
shouldn’t have visible wounds, ottiss media, skin infections
any illness in the family that could affect the workplace should be noted
food handlers need to be eductae d in how to protect themselve and practice personal hygiene
wash hands as often especially before handling food
keep fingernails short
head coverings particularly with females
clean white overall
no coughing, sneezing touching nose in front of food and if so throughly wash
no smoking
non cuminicable diseases associated iwth diet
diabtes hypetrension CVD disease stroke obesity some cancer
why is nutrtions such a big now
because we are eating more unhealthily than ever, with saturated foods, processed foods addign chemicals to the food, preservatives
plus we are les active than before
BMI adavnatge and disadvanatage
weight (kg) over height m2
as your bmi increases your risk increases of comorbidity
not exactly reliable cos its not a direct method it is an indirect method
also some people could be considered overweight if they are athletes (very muscular)
it does not reliably reflect body fat content which is an independent preductor of health risk
underweight is regardless of age and gender above 19 years old , is below 18.5
overweight 25-50
obsese- more than 30
recommended excerise
moderate on most days of the week. one hour e.g walking
it should equal,
in - food that you take
out- metabolic activity (thermal effect of food, physical excerise etc, BMR, thermogenesis
if in exceeds iut then you are in a postive nergy balance
and if out exceeds in then negative energy balance
estimated energy requirement
The average diet energy intake that is required to maintain Energy balance in a healthy adult with a determined age gender weight, height and energy expenditure
what is the rate of energy expenditure at rests
women - less than 1 kcal
men - more than 1 kcal
1 calorie was the tempertaure needed to raise 1 g of water from 14.5 - 15.5
we tend to use kcal more ‘largery calories’
1kcal = 4.186 kj
- BMR - 60-75%
- thermogenesis - 10%
- physical activity
estimateing BMR
can be direct or indirect calorimetry
must be in lab conditions
small representative groups
the price of staying alive, when you have no food or physical activity to influence the results. in a thermoneutral environment. the patient does not consume food for over 12-14 hours , supine, awake and motionless.
takes into account the energy needed for renal and cardiovascular respiratory
thermal effect foods
Protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts and seeds, could help increase your metabolism for a few hours. They do so by requiring your body to use more energy to digest them. This is known as the thermic effect of food (TEF).
he thermic effect of food is the energy required for digestion, absorption, and disposal of ingested nutrients.
PAL and what does it apply to and the different levesl
it applies to physical excecise
doing nothing - 1-1.3
low - 1.4-1.5
moderate 1.6-1.8
high -1.9-2.4
how to we meausre total energy expenditure
DWL _ DOuble labelled water tecnhique
euqtaion for TEE
Total energy expenditure= PALXBMR
percentage requirements for the fats proteins and carbs
carbs - 60%
fats -30%
proteins- 10%
recommended intake of protein
requires 1.3 g per kg of mass. 50% of the protein we take should ocme from plant sources and the rest comes from animal osurces , milk meat and eggs
certain conditions such as stress, heat ,increase our protein reuquiremnt
the body has no reserve for storage of proteins
once the requirement is met any excess is stored as fat
recommended intake of fat
its not agreed one how much fat we shoul take but nutritionalisys believe to promote optimal health should not exceed 30%
the recommened amount of cholesterol is 300 mg
out of the fat taken should have a mix of polyunsaturates and saturate
ecommended intake of carbs
should be the majority of our diet, the more active you are the more carbs you take as they are the maun souurcer of energy
It is known that higher intake of three sugars threaten the nutrient quality of diets by providing significant energy without specific nutrients therefore if we restrict these sugars it’s better to contribute to overall health
NSP’s, wholegrain cereals gives us dietry fibre helps in bowel movements
driect and indirect methods of nutitonal assesment
nutriton is assesed by 2 types of methods. direct methods deal with the indiviudal and meausr ebjective criteria
indirect use community health indices that reflect nutritional influence
indirect methods
include 3 categories
1. ecological variables - including crop prpduction
2. economic factors, Social habits population density per capita income
3.vital health statistics - Particularly infant and under five mortality and fertility index
direct Methods just exampl
mneumonic ABCD A- Anthropometric methods Biochemical Clinical indicators Dietary assessment methods
anthropometric methods
asses the size or body compostion of an indiviudal
essential for examination of infants to check they are growing correctly and pregs
for adults we use BMI, the greater the BMI the higher the risk for type 2 diabtes and cvd mortality and morbididty
in children we use growth charts to asses, if kids have a low height for their age its called stunting and if low weight for age -wasting
others anthropometric methods include , Head circumference skinfold thickness waist to hip ratio mid arm conference
biochemical methods and advantgaes
not many are suitable but 4 good examples are given below
1. For checking protein intake - 24 hour urinary nitrogen
- to support change of type of fat - fatty cid pattern
3, estimating salt intake - 24 hour urinary sodium - The only way to Gauge Iodine intake would be a urinary iodine
- can detect eary metolbolic changes before the signs become overty clinical
2, accurate precise and reproducible
inital lab test
specific lab test
initial : hb is the best indicator of the overall state of nutrition, besides anemia it tells us the protein and trace element nutrition
specific : look for things like serum retinol, serum iron , vit d , urinary iodine , Talking of abnormal amounts of metabolites in urine. analysis of hair nails and skin for micronutrients
clinical assesment
essential feature of all nutritional surveys. it utilises a number of specific and non specific signs known to be associated with malnutrition and deficiency of vitamins and micronutrients
spare and thin hair - protein and zinc defieincey
easy to pull out - protein deficiency
coily hair - vit C and A
glossitis - b9
b;eeding gums - vit c b9
spooning - iron
pallor - iron , b12/b9
bruising - vit k
house hold survery
individual survery
- food account method
- inventry method
- household record
individual survey :
consits of prospective and retrospective methods
prospective: Weight food record (WFR) estimated food record (EFR) Observation weighted record record combined with direct analysis
24 hour recall
food frequency questionnaire
dietry history
explain house hold
page 158
explain individual
page 160
hygiene health control and who does it
Bulgarian food safety agency
health control 162
made up of 3 main groups
- Complex of biological indicators of nutritional value - Main and additional nutrients the physical chemical properties point of freezing point of boiling organoleptic indices
- complex of fitness for consumption
Indicators of damaged organoleptic characteristics the changes in the physical and the characteristics of the chemical composition if there is any bacteria pollution toxic fungi. parasites additives et cetera. c
- complex of commercial indicators- External view of the packaging food labelling where the product was made the company that made it the manufacturer the weight of the product any allergic ingredients and stuff like that ingredients
Stages of health monitoring and explain
164 more detail
- Introduction
- history of the food product
- proudcuer
- origin
- transport
- packaging - taking samples - has to be taken in front to the owner of product or his rep. you take common, medium and double sample.
is 1st sample come out dodge you can reuqest another thats the hwol epoint of the second sample.
3.analysis of samples
chemical, mb, paristilogical
- conclusion - poss outcome
percenatge of nutirents in cow milk
fat - 3.6
protein 3.4
lactose 4.6
nesslers reagent is used for the determination of ammonia
measure density and temp of milk
Evaluation of canned food
stage 1 : points of rust
stage 2: spots of rust
stage 3: erosions
bulging : you dont want to see bulging
stages of rust
- points of rust appear on the metalic surface
- spots of rust
- erosions of rust
chemical -due to the acidity of the food contents and thus hyrdogen gas is released
biological : micrboial growth inside, there should be oxygen free growth
steps to take following a outbreak of food bourne diease
and what other peoole are involved
the doctor has to inform RHI withing 24 hours
rapid message -
RHI informs ministry of health
physian - in nutrional and dietics
incubation period regarding bacteria
less than 12 hours-preformed bacteria
more-bacteria have to multiply to get to suffiency numbers to cause damagr
- separare raw and clean
- keep food at safe temp
- use dafe water and raw materilas
- cook thoroughly
- keep clean
milk density
should bet between 1.027-1.034
acidity of milk
titation with na0h
using phenophthalein indicator - to become a light pink colour
we use the degree of toerner to express milk acidity
the acidity should be between 15-21 degrees
tests for pasterization
the enzyme peroxidase should be destroyed if not the colour goes blue showing that pasteurization is incomplete and the iodine reacts with the starch
2 types of contorl regarding food and the agency
bulgarian food dafety agency
current - baby food, fast breaking food+ children . the plan is when there is doubt that the food is in danger