Neurological Flashcards
Folic acid deficiency in 1st trimester, faun’s beard and lumbar dimple
spina bifida
defective neural tube with herniation of meninges through the defect
herniation of meninges and defective spinal cord through the defect
cerebellar tonsil herniation associated with syringomyelia
Arnold-Chiari malformaiton 1
cerebellar vermis herniation associated with hydrocephalus
Arnold-Chiari malformaiton 2
cystic dilation of 4th ventricle and non-communicating hydrocephalus
Dandy Walker syndrome
torn meningeal artery, head trauma in young adults
epidural hematoma
torn bridging vein, head trauma in the elderly
subdural hematoma
ruptured berry aneurysm in 30-40 year old adults
subarachnoid hemorrhage
ruptured or occluded cerebral artery seen in older people
cerebrovascular accident
bacterial or viral infection of the meninges
prion-related disease spread by eating the brains of dead relatives
transplacental spread with notches incisors, blindness and deafness
congenital syphyilis
damage due to endarteritis obliterans of arteries to CNS and CVS
tertiary syphyilis
neurofibrillary tangles, amyloid plaques and Hirano bodies
Alzheimer’s disease
deficient dopamine, Lewy bodies, tremors at rest, festinating gait
autosomal dominant chromosome 4 defect causing chorea, dementia
Huntington’s disease
destruction of the lateral columns and ventral horns of the spinal cord
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)