Precentral gyrus (part of the frontal lobe) is
primary motor cortex. The representation of different body parts in this region is often termed as a homunculus
Postcentral gyrus (part of the parietal lobe)
primary somatosensory cortex
The lateral sulcus (Sylvian fissure) divides
frontal lobe from the temporal lobe.
The insula, regarded as the fifth lobe of the cerebrum = located deep in the Sylvian fissure.
Insula is = the seat of the primary gustatory cortex.
middle frontal gyrus constituting
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,
often considered to be responsible for executive functions of the
human brain.
Most fundamental brain functions are represented bilaterally.
Higher levels of associative functions usually lateralize to one or other hemisphere
* ? is the dominant hemisphere
The hemisphere contralateral to the dominant hand is the dominant hemisphere, and it mediates
language and speech functions
The planum temporale (superior temportal gyrus)
triangular region on the upper surface of the
superior temporal gyrus. It is important for language processing and is larger on the left than the right hemisphere in 65% brains
Limbic system/ Papez circuit
involved in
- mediation of emotional responses (through amygdala)
- influencing neuroendocrine responses (via hypothalamus)
- reward system regulation (via nucleus accumbens).
= considered to be evolutionarily older than the higher cortical centres.
Medial temporal structures
hippocampus, amygdala, entorhinal and parahippocampal cortex.
Hippocampus = memory processes. few brain regions where the continuous production of new neurons
Amygdala = fear conditioning and emotional regulation
Basal Ganglia
(Group of gray matter nuclei forming the largest subcortical structure in the brain)
- The planning and programming of movement
- Include striatum (caudate nucleus + putamen)
- pallidum (globus pallidus)
- Subthalamic nucleus
- Substantia nigra
- receive crucial inputs from glutamatergic corticostriatal projection
Frontal eye fields are located
Are responsible for..
- precentral sulcus at caudal end superior frontal gyrus
- responsible for voluntary saccadic movements of eye
Primary auditory area located in?
Heschls gyri
Inability to recognise faces
Deficit in parietal lobe functioning :
- Gerstmanns syndrome
- Balint syndtome
**- Gerstmanns syndrome: Lesion in Left inferior parietal lobe around angular gyrus
- agraphia, acalculia, finger agnosia, L-R disorientation
(sweaty german man, cant tell L from R, cant see fingers so salute hands, cant write cant do math)
- Balint syndtome :
bilateral damage to posterior parietal lobe
- optic ataxia, ocular apraxia, simultagnosia
Frontal lobe function
motor (motor cortex)
executive cortex (premortor cortext)
decision making (prefrontal)
working memory (prefrontal)
Language (broca)
inhibition and personalitry - orbitofrontal
saccadic eye movements- frontal eye fields.
Parietal lobe function
Touch + Proprioception - somatosensory area
Visuospational processing- R parietal lobe
Praxix (dressing)
Somatognosia (awareness own body)
Reading, writing, naming- L parietal lobe