Mature defences
Suppression- Consciously or semiconsciously postponing attention to a conscious impulse or
Altruism- Using constructive and gratifying service to others to receive a vicarious
Sublimation- Achieving impulse gratification but only after altering a socially objectionable
impulse to a socially acceptable one.
Humour - comedy is used to express feelings and thoughts overtly without personal
Anticipation- Here one plans realistically for future inner discomfort and expects worse to occur with mental preparation
neurotic defences
reaction formation
displacement - interest and/or emotion is shifted from one object onto
another less-threatening, often less-retaliating one.
dissociation - Temporarily but drastically modifying one’s sense of personal identity to avoid
emotional distress
isolation - Splitting or separating an idea from the affect that accompanies it normally but is now
rationalisation - Offering rational explanations in an attempt to justify attitudes, beliefs, or
behaviour that may otherwise be unacceptable
reaction formation - transforming an unacceptable impulse into its exact opposite.
repression - expelling or withholding from consciousness an idea or feeling.
intellectulisation- factual aspects only
Narcissistic defences
Kleinian defences (SIPDOG)
Projective identification
Projection - perceiving and reacting to unacceptable inner impulses as though they originated outside the self
Denial - explicit refusal to acknowledge a threatening reality
Projective identification - aspect of self is projected onto someone else.
Introjection - involves internalizing the qualities of an object. It is seen in normal Development too
Omnipotence - one can transform or
influence the external world through one’s thoughts alone
Grandiosity- manic defence, closely associated with narcissism.
Immature defences (normal in childhood)
Acting out
Passive Aggression
Somatosensory amplification
Acting out -expression of an unconscious wish or impulse through action to avoid being conscious of an accompanying affect.
Passive Aggression - Expressing aggression towards authorities indirectly through passive
obstructive activities
Somatisation - Converting psychological states and tension to bodily symptoms.
Regression - Moving back into childish or earlier developmental phase to avoid confronting conflict
Somatosensory amplification - The tendency to experience bodily sensations as unusually intense or distressing, and this is thought to underpin somatisation and the somatoform disorders
Topographical theory of mind
Freud, interpretation of dream
Concsious - Receives and process information from the outside world.
Unconscious - Contains the contents of censored or repressed wishes, etc. Characterized by primary-process thinking
Preconscious - As and when needed service Interfaces with both unconscious and conscious - contents of unconscious become
conscious by ‘squeezing’ through the preconscious
Instinct /drive theory
- dual instinct
- libido
Instinct - has 4 things
- source, impetus (intensity), aim and object
Dual instrinct theory holds that sexual energy and aggressive energy are the dual instincts.
Libido is how sexual instinct is represented in the mind / eros.
Analytical Psychology (Jungian Model)
Collective unconscious (CU)
Personal unconscious (PU)
- Collective unconscious (CU) – all mankind’s collective symbolic past. (Something DNA in psychoanalysis!).
- Personal unconscious (PU), which is same as Freudian unconscious, a collection of repressed individual memories.
- Archetypes – part of CU. Includes representational images with universal symbolic meaning (e.g. Hero, Old Wise Man, Tree, etc.)
Complexes – part of PU and are stimulated by interpersonal interactions. Ideas are developing as a result of the interactions of complexes with archetypes.
Persona – mask covering one’s personality – presented to outside world
Anima – unconscious feminine aspect of a man
Animus - unconscious masculine aspect of a woman
Shadow – an archetype - a personification of unacceptable aspects of oneself symbolized as a dark internal alien.
Individuation – ultimate goal of life where an individual develops a sense of self- identity. Introduced terms extraversion and introversion
Dynamic interpretation of dreams
manifest content
latent content
two types/layers of dream content - manifest content refers to what is recalled by the dreamer;
latent content refers to unconscious thoughts and wishes that threaten to awaken the dreamer.
The mechanisms of condensation, displacement, and symbolic representation characterize
the primary process thinking that defies logic, lacks a sense of time
A more mature aspect of the ego helps to organise primitive aspects of dreams more coherently; this is called secondary revision