Neuro_Exam 1_Hydrocephelus Flashcards
when injured, the cns has _____ capacity for ______
limited regeneration
instead of fibrotic scar, the cns forms a _____
a gliosis is made of _____, and this repair is _____ as fibrosis
astrocytes, not as strong
selective vulnerability: Neurons tend to be ______ to ischemia than ______ or _____
more sensitive, gial or endothelial cells
most sensitive areas of brain_____
neurons in hippo and cerebellum and cortical level 3 and 5
as opposed to the body, the blood flow to the cns is
other anatomical features:
enclosed in boney structure, compartments by meninges, ventricular system with csf, absense of lymphatics
epidural space in cns
potential (dura and skull fused)
the subdural space is ____
true space
csf is secreted by ____, it is a ____ form of _____
choroid plexus, filtered, plasma
bbb contains _____ junctions between____ as well as _____
tight, capillary, endothelial cells, astrocytes
hydrocephalus is caused from _____, and the vol of csf can _______
dilation of ventricules, rise above blood pressure, cut off circulation of blood to brain
causes of hydrocephalus include ____ and ____ which is more common
overproduction of csd (choroid plexus papilloma), obstruction of csf flow (within ventricular system or outside the ventricular system)
common form of hydrocephalus includes obstruction _____ the ventricular system, and it includes _____
outside, meningeal fibrosis (communicating hydrocephalus)
a common cause of meningeal fibrosis is _____
previous meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage leading to impaired reabsorbtion of csf
normal pressure hydrocephalus is a type of _____ hydrocephalus and includes symptoms
communicating, dementia, incontinence, coordination (wacky, wet, wobbly)
hydrocephalus ex vacuo is a type of _____ hydrocephalus and inludes, this is more increase of _____ rather than an increase in ___
communicating, dialtion of ventricules in response to volume loss (atrophy) with normal intracranial pressure, space, csf
non obstrutcive hypdrocephalus is characterized by _____ of the csf ______ the ventricular system
non-communicating, obstruction of csf within (as opposed to communicating which is outside)
in non-communicating hydrocephalus, the vent cavities are ____
no longer communicating with each other
diffuse cerebral atrophy would be caused by _____
communicating hydrocephalus ex vacuo
cerebral edema is ____ due to increased fluid accumulation and includes ____, ____, and _____, all a result of the cns not having ____
swelling, vasogenic, cytotoxic, interstitial, lymphatics
vasogenic edema is caused by _____, with fluid accumulating in the ____
increased cap perm (break down in bbb) with fluid accumulating, extracellular space
cytotoxic edema is an increase in ______ sodium and water causing swelling
interstitial edema is when _____ enters ______ of periventricular white matter
csf, extracellular
when intra cranial pressure exceeds ______, cerebral _______ will cease (leading to brain death)
mean arterial blood pressure, perfusion
5 herniations: across middle____, around lateral fissure area _____, down brainstem cerebellum area _____, from temporal lobe up______, out of skull towards epidural space____
cingulate or subfalcine, uncal or transtentorial, tonsillar, upward, transcalvarial
contusions, lacerations and traumatic hemorraghes are all ______
parenchymal injuries
types of skull fractures:
linear, depressed, compound, diastatic, basilar
linear fracture:
no bone displacement
depressed fracture:
fragments displaced inward
compound fracture:
scalp laceration overlying fractrure, risk of infection or csf leak
diastatic fracture:
facture that cross suture lines causing widening of suture (children)
basilar fracture:
base of skull fracture
base of skull fracture:
seen better in ct than plain, dural tear, risk of meningitis, csf leaking, racoon eyes
contusions include:
coup (at site), contrecoup (opposite side of impact) like in a sledding accident
if head is not moving, you incure ____ if you are moving (car accident) you can incure_____
coup, contrecoup
in basilar skull fractures, there will be _____ on xray
nothing obvious
tearing of laceratino of blood vessels (focal collection of blood clot) form____
intracranial hematomas
intraparenchymal hemorrhages are usually found in _____
white matter
subdural hematoma is caused by ______
tearing of the bridging veins between dura and brain
subdural hematoma, the blood fills up____ bc ____
slower, veins are lower pressure
in subdural space, the blood collects in _____
dura and surface of brain, most common in people with brain atrophy
epi hematoma usually due to _____, and is due to _____
laceration of mmartery, arterial bleeding, high pressure
edh results in ____ and is limited by ____
lens shaped, dura
sdh follows _____ and is limited by _____
contour of the brain, falx and tentorium
head trauma that seems find and then rapidly declines _____
arterial bleeding, mma, lens shaped on film