Neuro_Exam 1_Higher Cortical Functions Flashcards
______ is a language deficit resulting from ___ and is diagnosed according to____
aphasia, patients’ ability to express language
wernike’s and broca’s are connected via____ and includes the ____ and _____ , severed ______ results in _____
arcuate fasciculus, supramarginal and angular, arcuate fasciculus- conduction aphasia
on a ship from boca to wein, there were two guys: the anglar guy who couldn’t catch any fish, and the other guy (who was going to cook the fish) says “super, at least we have margarine” or “well, I guess for supper we’ll be having margarine” and so he’s the supramarginal guy
-he replied “don’t worry, now I have the appetite of a conductor”
_____ hemisphere is dominant in the comprehension and expression of _______ content, while the ____ hemisphere is responsible for the comprehension and expression of ______ content, hence, brocas and wernickes are _____
left, substantive (language L is Left side dominant), right, emotional, on the left side of the brain
On the left side of the ship, there was a man standing atop a submarine (substantive), and on the other was an emoji of a whale (emotional) and it was reading prose (of the od)essy with beautiful inflection
prosody is _____
right side of brain has analogous area to broca and wernickes that helps interpret inflection and emotional content
if a patient is not fluent, cant comprehend, cant repeat, it is ____, not fluent, can comprehend, can’t repeat _____, is fluent, can’t comprehend, can’t repeat _____, is fluent, can comprehend, can’t repeat ____ this is a sign that _____, if patient can do everything but has small localized deficit when pressed, we call it ______
global aphasia, broca, wernicke’s, conduction, anomic
_____ is the inability to read, _____ is the inability to write, dyslexia is not ______
alexia (dislexia), agraphia, anatomically different
patients with brocas are _____ aware of their deficit
neural substrates of attention are primarily related to ______
posterior parietal cortex: the neglected sailor always paid spatial attention to his favorite poster. It was a poster of cortez’s parents and he always kept it on his right side
the ______ is dominant for spatial attention, and the most severe attention distortion of the left visual field is due to _______
posterior parietal lobe lesion
neglect is ______ meaning that ______
not simply a sensory syndrome, once they detect the stimulus they have normal visual acuity and are able to detect details
extinction refers to_
neglect is much more pronounced when 2 objects are competing for attention
neglect does not only involve the ____ side of visual field but also ____
left, left side of objects that are presented entirely in the visual field
3 conditions associated with parietal damage:
constructional apraxia (inability to copy drawing or put parts together), asomatognosia (denial that left side of body belongs to them), anosognosia (denial of illness)
norepinephrine is released from ______ and presents as ______
locus coeruleus, alertness/attention, aggression, memory, fight or flight
acetylcholine is released from_____
basal forebrain, this sept: All newclei art! (please nuc my basal, it’s may) You call this mayart? I can’t remember (due to AD)
Dopamine released by the___
substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area (dope is sold by substance abusing nigras who call it “ventur cap for ALl in ThissEGMENTAL area”
Serotonin is released by the ______
serato changed RAPHEEEEENG or Raphe nuclei
Prefrontal Cortex is tested by
Phineas Gage was permanently stooped over from working on the railroad all his life