2_Anti-Epileptic Flashcards
____ is the main NT for IPSP, _____ is the main NT for EPSP
GABA, Glutamine
IPSP moves cell away from threshold by allowing Neg ions to enter the cell (cell is at -65), EPSP moves cell closer to threshold by allowing positive ions to enter the cell
The ____ the EPSP the _____
larger, the larger the chance of firing
Glutamate binds to _______
3 types of EPSPs: AMPA (the typical workhorse of movement) and NMDA (the controler of movement) the third is not important
The typical electropotential of a cell is a:
compound of excitations and inhibitions
what is PDS and what does it mean?
paroxysmal Depolarizing Shift, it takes place when there is a sudden large and long depolarization, and this is followed by a long slow afterhyperpolarization.
the afterhyperpolarization is:
what prevents the spread of the action potential and ensures that it is partial and not generalized
PDS is not an absence _____, but rather, ______
not an absense of GABA, but rather, a lack of GABA, which results in Glutamine “getting away with more than it usually does”
primary generalized seizures can be described as having_____, the example is ______, and the EEG includes wave patterns that mimic_____
electrical activity almost simultaneously occur in both hemisphers, absence, sleep spindles
t type calcium channels are :
active at the normal resting membrane potential, but they inactivate quickly so they do not typically alter basal excitablitiy unless you hyperpolarize, which means they are “reset” and can now fire a “rebound action potential” this is what is thought to cause excess stimulation in epilepsy
in an absense seizure, you don’t want a GABAergic drug to hyperpolarize bc _____
hyperpolarizing will reset the t type calcium channels which will then lead to more bursting, and this all will exasserbate absense seizures (Absense= NO PHENOBARBITAL!)
Ideal Tonic Clonic:
GABAenergic (phenobarbitol) and VG Na+ channel (phenotoine, and carbamazipine) are NOT GOOD FOR ABSENCE
The first drug to really help absence seizures was____ it works by ______
Ethosuximide, works by blocking the t calcium channels and prohibits reseting of the action potential
Broadest spectrum of all AED:
Valproate (not sure mechanism)
Gabapentin is used for _______ and is unique because it has _____
lots of things and has no effect on GABAa receptors
Levetiracetam (keppra) works on ___ and was discovered because:
tonic, absense, myoclonic; became hugely popular lately because it is very safe and tolerable (used in veterinary medicine)
Retigabine is a _____ of ______. It was recently approved to treat _____
allosteric modulator of a specific potassium channel (KCNQ); treats focal seizures
Perampanel is a ______ that was recently approved to treat______
selective noncompetitive AMPA receptor antagonist; approved for focal seizure with and without secondary generalization