CNS Development Flashcards
4 types of dysraphic defects or dysraphism:
chiari malformation
spina bifida
anencephaly is:
brain stem and thalamus, usually diagnosed in prenatal ultrasound
cyst herniating through skull defect, causes developmental delay and seizures
less severe form of encephalocele is:
meningeocele: only meninges and csf bulging out, primarily just cosmetic
most severe form of encephalocele:
when part of the brain and 4th ventricle are bulging out: dura csf brain ventricle, usually occipital
spina bifida:
myeloschisis: spine is separated, closed “occulta” (skin covers the defect), or open “aperta”, meningocele (meninges bulging out) or meningomyelocele (meninges and spinal cord bulging out)
malformation associated with spina bifida aperta:
arnold chiari malformation type II, herniation of medulla, cerebellar vermis below level of foramen magnum, may cause hydrocephalus (can close off cerebellar aquaduct and cause hydrocephalus)
2 main forms of hydrocephalus:
communicating (no reabsorption of cfs) there is communication across the aquaduct/obstructive: (obstruction of outflow)
What are the signs and symptoms of spina bifida?
Below level of meningocele/meningomyocele: Weakness Sensory loss Loss of bowel/bladder and sexual function From hydrocephalus: Progressive enlargement of head size Vomiting Death if not shunted
spina bifida with bulging lower spine and no neurological defects:
defects of the Prosencephalon include:
abnormal separation of the lobes of the brain: holoprosencephaly (alobar, semilobar, lobar) septo-optic dysplasia, midline defect
holoprosencephaly/septo-optic dysplasia can be caused by:
4-5 week (trisomomy 13 or 18) alcohol, maternal diabetes, torch infections (Toxo, Rubella, CMV, HSV, HIV)
3 levels of _______ (degree of severity) includes
holoprosencephaly; (normal)-lobar-semilobar-alobar
Baby boy born at 37 wks gestation
Large ventricles noted on prenatal US
At birth, noted to have a large head with cranial sutures widely separated
2 cm cystic lesion in lumbar area
Child underwent closure of spinal defect on day 2 of life
Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt placed to drain hydrocephalus on day 13 of life to drain CSF
At age 8, he is a happy, healthy little 3rd grader
Given the lack of neurologic deficit, this pt was most likely born with
Myelomeningocele Encephalocele Meningocele Meningoencephalohydrocele Spina bifida oculta
semilobar is a _____ disorder in which there is _____ of ______ and _________
holoprosencephaly disorder, incomplete separation of the frontal lobe and separation of the occipital lobe
semilobar holoprosencephaly results in:
single nostril, shallow nasal bridge, close set eyes
if you have a cyclopse baby it is:
Holoprocencephaly are caused by:
4-5 week (trisomomy 13 or 18) alcohol, maternal diabetes, torch infections (Toxo, Rubella, CMV, HSV, HIV)
primary, genetic, injury, infection after normal cortical development (inside out)
the neuronal cells go to the right place but there are just too many of them!
3 types of neuronal migration disorders:
gray heterotopia, Lissencephaly, schizencephaly
neurons are supposed to migrate from the exterior to the center of the brain and never make it. Ends up with:
lissencephaly, scizencephaly (didn’t close one side so it remains open to the ventricle)