Neuro Flashcards
Bacterial meningitis, brain lobes, ischemic stroke, autonomic dysreflexia, multiple sclerosis, TBI
Autonomic dysreflexia patho
Caused by noxious stimuli below level of injury
Distended bladder - obstructed urinary cath, neurogenic bladder
Impacted rectum
Constricted clothing
S+S of autonomic dysreflexia
Severe HTN
Severe HA, nasal stuffiness, and flushing
Tx of autonomic dysreflexia
Raise HOB
Loosen tight clothing
Check bladder distention or fecal impaction
Antihypertensive meds
Bacterial meningitis S+S (early for neonates, peds, adults)
Neonates: poor feeding
Peds: fever, HA, vomiting
Adults: fever, HA, vomiting
Bacterial meningitis (late cues for neonates, peds, adults)
Neonates: bulging fontanels
Peds: rash, neck stiffness
Adults: neck stiffness, Brudzinski, Kernig
Brudzinski vs. Kernig
Brudzinski: Bend neck forward -> knee flex
Kernig: knee extension -> pain
Labs of bacterial menigitis
High opening pressure
High WBC
High protein
Low glucose
Positive culture
Frontal lobes
Voluntary mvt
Problem solving
Abstract reasoning
Temporal lobe
Parietal lobe
Touch perception
Mvt control
Occipital lobe
Visual reception
Ischemic stroke risk factors (embolic)
Carotid artery dz
Atrial fibrillation
Abnormal cardiac values
Angina of brain attack
Warning sign of stroke
Localized ischemic event -> resolves
Neuro deficits last only mins to hrs
Full fx recovery w/in 24 hrs
Ischemic stroke S+S
Balance: ataxia and vertigo
Eyes: blurry vision, diplopia, visual field deficits
Face: weakness, drooping, numbness
Arms and legs: extremity numbness or weakness
Speech and swallowing: aphasia, dysarthria, dysphagia
Time: onset of symptoms
Left hemi stroke
Language, reasoning, science, and thought
Right hemi stroke
Spatial process, emotion, and visualization
Nursing interventions of ischemic stroke
Monitor in ICU: bleeding precautions, neuro assessments, VS
Elevate HOB 15-30 degrees
Turn to unaffected side w/ head positioned midline
Active bleeding
Recent brain/spinal surgery
Uncontrolled HTN (>185/110)
Low platelets or high PT/INR
Hemianopsia pt teaching
Ask pt to move their head to scan full range of vision
Approach pt from unaffected side
Place pt’s personal objects w/in their visual field
Ischemic stroke med management
Antiplatelet agents (aspirin)
ACE inhibitors
Multiple sclerosis patho
Chronic autoimmune disorder
Brain and spinal cord are involved
S+S of multiple sclerosis
Extreme fatigue
Eye symptoms
Lhermitte sign
Motor symptoms
Sensory symptoms
Bowel/bladder dysfx
Symptoms increase w/ heat exposure
Tx of multiple sclerosis
Frequent rest
Concussion (mild TBI)
Mild blow to head
Brief or no loss of consciousness
HA, dizziness, and amnesia
No brain injury on brain scans
Symptoms resolve w/in 3 days
Bruising of brain tissue
Focal injury
Symptoms depend on area of injury
Diffuse axonal injury (cerebral edema)
High speed motor vehicle collision
Shearing of white matter tracts
Diffuse brain swelling
Severe DAI -> coma
Skull fracture
Linear, depressed, comminuted
Underlying brain tissue injury
Raccoon eyes
Battle sign (bruising behind ear)
Halo ring (CSF leakage)
Basilar skull fractures are associated w/ what injury?
Intracranial injury
Nursing interventions of TBI
Assume neck injury and stabilize cervical spine
IV access for 0.9% NaCl
Endotracheal intubation for GCS score < 8
Pupillary assessment
Check for rhinorrhea, ear drainage, scalp wounds
HOB elevated 15-30 degrees
Battle sign description?
Bruising behind ear
Craniectomy interventions
Monitor for polyuria
Manage pain w/ short-acting opioid analgesics
Assess surgical site dressing for halos around drainage (clear-yellow ring = CSF leak)
Place sign above sign indicating cranial bone flap or not
Increased ICP S+S
Cushing triad: bradycardia, irregular respirations, widening pulse pressure
Unilateral pupil dilation (mydriasis)
Flexed and pronated
Cerebellum testing
Finger tapping
Rapid alternating mvts
Need for spinal immobilization
Neuro exam - numbness and decreased strength
Significant trauma mechanism of injury
Alertness (decreased)
Distracting injury
Spinal exam