Neuro 135-164 Flashcards
spinal nerves have posterior root carrying motor info (toward/away from?) the CNS?
what kind of fibers?
C7 dermatome
lateral arm and forearm to index, long, and ring fingers
the most severe grade of injury to a peripheral nerve
C3 dermatome
entire neck
two positive tests for meningitis
division of CNS that conserves and restores energy.. acetylcholine neurotransmitter.. generally an inhibitory response
what is proprioception
identify a static position of an extremity or body part
what does the brachioradialis reflex do
elbow flexion/forearm supination
within the PNS, autonomic neurons are divided into __________ and _________ nerves
sympathetic and parasympathetic
meninges in order from superficial to deep
what lobe is affected with impairments in learning, receptive deficits, memory
the pancreatic hormone that decreases secretion and absorption of the GI tract
what is hydrocephalus
an increase of CSF within the ventricles of the brain
what lobe is affected with impairments in sensation of touch, kinesthesia, vibration, temperature
spinal nerves have anterior root carrying motor info (toward/away from?) the CNS?
what kind of fibers?
what type of pancreatic cells secrete somatostatin
what is Kernig’s Sign
pain with hip flexion combined with knee extension
what type of meningitis is a medical emergency
deep sensation tests
proprioception, kinesthesia, vibration
what does the anterior portion of the sylvian fissure divide
temporal and frontal
the most common etiology surrounding absent reflexes
peripheral neuropathy
what does the posterior portion of the sylvian fissure separate
temporal and parietal
appendicitis affects what quadrant
lower right
C4 dermatome
shoulder, clavicle, upper scap
MOI for ulnar nerve injury
entrapment in Guyon’s canal
compression in cubital tunnel
MOI for musculocutaneous nerve injury
fracture of clavicle
C8 dermatome
medial arm and forearm to long, ring, and little finger
any possibility of regeneration following a neurotmesis
division of CNS that prepares body for emergency response… norepenephrine neurotransmitter… generally a stimulating response
what is barognosis
perceive weight of different objects in their hands
people with diabetes should not exercise if blood glucose is above…
300 mg/dL
MOI for axillary nerve injury
fracture of humeral neck
anterior dislocation of humerus
C2 dermatome
temple, forehead, occiput
gold standard for diagnosis of meningitis
lumbar puncture
people with diabetes should not exercise if blood glucose is less than…
70 mg/dL
what is sterognosis
identify an object without sight
an incomplete lesion typically caused by a stab wound which produces hemisection of the spinal cord
Brown-Sequard’s Syndrome
what lobe is affected with impairments in vision, judgement of distance, seeing in three dimensions
C1 dermatome
vertex of skull
during Semmes Weinstein testing, what happens if there is a callus around the area tested
apply it to an adjacent area rather than right to it
C6 dermatome
anterior arm, radial side of hand to thumb and index finger
what is graphesthesia
identify a number or letter drawn on the skin without visual input
superficial sensation tests
temperature, light touch, pain
patients with sensory deficits or who are at risk for sensory impairments should be tested using _________ for objective data collection regarding protective sensation
Semmes Weinstein monofilaments
branch of the nervous system that is peripheral and motor nerve fibers
somatic nerve system
what is Brudzinski’s sign
flexion of neck
flexion of hips and knees
C5 dermatome
deltoid, anterior aspect of entire arm of base of thumb
what is kinesthesia
identify direction and extent of movement of a joint or body part
cortical sensation tests
stereognosis, two-point discrimination, barognosis, touch localization
what lobe is affected with impairments in personality, temper, judgement, reasoning, behavior, self-awareness, executive functions?