Nervous Systems (8.9) Flashcards
The Evolution of a Nervous System started with the evolution of an organism wide _______ ____ in Cnidarians.
Nerve Net
The evolution of a _____ (a mass of neurons) leads to control of the system. It uses a nerve cord to control the body.
The evolution of other sensory organs in the head region, called __________, allows for reception and response to
stimuli from the environment.
Stimulus sent into the brain or spinal cord.
Sensory input
Sensory Receptors receive a _______ from the environment.
a form of energy such as electromagnetic (light), mechanical (pressure), and sound waves.
This is the interpretation of the energy by the Central Nervous System (CNS). (Basically “thinking” about the stimulus. ) This interpretation of the stimulus leads to a determination of the appropriate response.
Out of the brain or spinal cord. The response is carried out by Effector Cells. Effectors are Muscles or Glands. (These can have an effect on your body.)
Motor Output
This includes the Sensory receptors and Motor Nerves
Peripheral Nervous System
This takes stimuli from different dendrites and compiles the energy into one signal. (Like a funnel.)
cell body
These collect and carry stimuli Energy in to the cell body. (They cover a large area.)
This one arm carries the one compiled signal away toward the next neuron or effector cell.
This is a lipid layer of insulation around the axon created by Schwann Cells. It prevents the electrical energy of the neuron from burning the overlying muscle tissue. (It is analogous to the rubber covering on electrical wires.)
Myelin Sheath
This is the gap between neurons or between a neuron and an effector cell.
This is the chemical, produced by the neuron, used to transmit the signal across the gap.
The most common neurotransmitter is ____________.
The simplest neural pathway.
Reflex Arc
A stimulus energy is detected by a _____ ______. (Carries the energy signal to the spinal cord.)
sensory neuron
An _______ (of the CNS – spinal cord) relays the energy back out to the motor nerve instead of to the brain.)
The energy is carried out of the CNS by the ______ ______. It carries the energy to an effector cell, usually a muscle.
Motor Neuron
This is why you do not think about a reflex, it just happens. The stimulus never made it to the brain for _________.