Cylindrical, unsegmented, bilaterally symmetrical bodies
produce unembryonated eggs (undergo external embryonation/outside uterus)
oviparous nematodes
A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura, Hookworms
produce embryonated eggs (internal embryonation)
examples of ovoviviparous nematodes
E. vermicularis, S. stercoralis
do not lay eggs; produce larvae
T. spiralis, Filarial worms, D. medinensis, D, immitis (Dog filaria)
cephalic chemoreceptors present in all nematodes
caudal chemoreceptors
phasmids are absent in ____
Trichiuris, Trichinella, Capillaria spp (aphasmideans)
nematodes in the small intestine
- C. philippinensis
- A. lumbricoides
- S. stercoralis
- Hookworms
nematodes in the large intestine
E. vermicularis, T. trichiura
Extraintestinal nematode
T. spiralis, Filarials, D. medinensis, agents of larva migrans
produces significant clinical manifestations
T. spiralis
most common cause of helminth infection in the world
E. vermicularis
third most common roundworm of humans
T. trichiura
largest intestinal nematode
A. lumbricoides
blood sucking nematodes
parasitic females are parthenogenetic
S. stercoralis
females produce two types of eggs
C. philippinensis
easily transmitted hand to mouth; eggs are already embryonated
E. vermicularis
Unholy three
- A. lumbricoides
- S. stercoralis
- Hookworms
most common soil transmitted helminths/geohelminths
- A. lumbricoides
- S. stercoralis
- Hookworms
may cause internal autoinfection
- S. stercoralis
- C. philippinensis
infective stage of S. stercoralis
filariform larvae
diagnostic stage
rhabditiform larvae
true or false
dogs may also serve as definitive host of S. stercoralis
diagnostic stage of C. philippinensis
unembryonated, thick shelled eggs
infective stage C. philippinensis
infective larvae
MOT of C. philippinensis
ingestion of raw or undercooked infected fish
2 types of eggs of C. philippinensis
- unembryonated eggs passed in feces
- embryonated eggs lacking shells (hatch inside definitive host)
common name of E. vermicularis
common name of T. trichiura
common name of A. lumbricoides
Giant intestinal roundworm
common name of N. americanus
New World Hookworm
common name of A. duodenale
Old World Hookworm
common name of A. ceylanicum
Zoonotic Hookworm
common name of S. stercoralis
common name of C. philippinensis
Pudoc Worm
diagnostic stage of E. vermicularis
embryonated eggs (immediately infective)