Sexual Phases
- Female Anopheles Mosquito (DH)
- Sporogony/Sporogonic Cycle
Asexual Phase
- Man or other vertebrates (IH)
- Schizogony (Erythrocytic/Exo-Erythrocytic)
- Gametogony (Merogony)
sleeping or dormant forms; causes relapse of the disease when reactivated
these reinvade the hepatocytes following rupture of schizont
vivax and ovale
male or female
male or female
age of RBC infected in P. falciparum
age of RBC infected in P. vivax
age of RBC infected in P. ovale
Young (Retics)
age of RBC infected in P. malariae
appearance of parasitized RBC in P. falciparum
Normal; multiple
infection of RBC very
Appearance of
parasitized RBC in P. vivax
Larger than normal,
pale, and oval to
normal in shape
Appearance of
parasitized RBC P. ovale
Larger than normal,
oval and may have
fimbriated edges
Appearance of
parasitized RBC P. malariae
Normal in shape; size
may be normal or
slightly smaller
RBC stippling in P. falciparum
Maurer’s dot’s (occasionally seen)
RBC stippling in P. vivax
Schuffer’s dots (commonly/routinely seen)
RBC stippling in P. ovale
Schuffer’s/James dots
RBC stippling in P. malariae
Ziemann’s dots rarely seen
Stages in the peripheral blood P. falciparum
Rings, gametocytes
Stages in the peripheral blood P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae
Rings, mature trophozoite (schizont gametocytes)
Length of erythrocytic cycle in P. falciparum
36-48 hrs
Length of erythrocytic cycle P. vivax
48 hrs
Length of erythrocytic cycle P. ovale
48 hrs
tertian malarias
P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale
Length of erythrocytic cycle P. malariae
72 hrs
Length of erythrocytic cycle is based on what
disease caused by P. falciparum
malignant tertian malaria
black water fever
P. falciparum
disease caused by P. vivax
Benign tertiary malaria
disease caused by P. ovale
ovale tertian malaria
disease caused by P. malariae
Quartan malaria
true or false
P. falciparum mature trophozoites and schizonts are rarely found in the peripheral blood because they are sequestered in the deep vasculature (small blood vessels of internal organs) where schizogony occurs.
banana shaped Plasmodium
P. falciparum (unique)
daisy formation of merozoites
P. malariae
incubation period of malaria
8-40 days
classical sign of malaria; characterized by chills, fever, and profuse sweating
recurrence of paroxysm
every 24 hrs
Quotidian Malaria
Plasmodium knowlesi
Every 48 hrs
tertian malaria
tertian malaria
P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale
Every 72 hrs
Quartan malaria
Quartan malaria
P. malariae
most fatal type caused by Plasmodium falciparum
Malignant tertian malaria
manifestations of malignant tertian malaria
- black water fever
- intravascular hemoglobinuria
- from red urine to brown’s black
resistance to P. falciparum may be due to
sickle cell trait
Fy (a-b-) resistance to P. vivax
Duffy negative blood group
parasite of monkeys
Plasmodium knowlesi
Simian/5th Human Malaria
Plasmodium knowlesi
young P. knowlesi resembles __________; while mature forms resemble _______
P. falciparum; P. malariae
relapse may occur with _______ infections due to reactivation of _________ in the liver
P. vivax and P. ovale; hypnozoites