Oriental Lung Flukes
Paragonimus westermani
Sheep Liver Fluke
Fasciola hepatica
Chinese/Oriental Liver Fluke
Clonorchis sinensis
Cat Liver Fluke/Southeast Asian Live Fluke
Opistorchis felineus and Opistorchis viverrini
Giant intestinal Fluke
Fasciolopsis buski
Garrison’s fluke
Echinostoma ilocanum
dwarf fluke/von siebold’s fluke
Heterophyes heterphyes
Yokogawa’s flukes
Metagonimus yokogawai
salmon poisoning fluke
Nanophyetus salmonicola
2nd IH of P. westermani
freshwater crab, crayfish
2nd IH of F. hepatica
water plants (watercress)
2nd IH of C. sinensis, O. felineus, O. viverrini
Cyprinoid fish
2nd IH of F. buski
Waterplants (caltrop, chestnut, bamboo shoots)
2nd IH of E. ilocaum
edible snails
2nd IH of H. heterophyes
2nd IH of M. yokogawai
salmonoid and cyprinoid fish
2nd IH of N. salmonicola
salmonoid fish
largest intestinal fluke
Fasciolopsis buski
coffee bean shaped with zigzag intestinal ceca
P. westermani adult
with cephalic cone and dendritic structures
Fasciola hepatica adults
3rd sucker of H. heterophyes is termed as
gonotyl or genital sucker
Pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis resulting in pneumonia- or TB-like syndrome
P. westernani
coughing out blood
Liver rot in sheep and goats; Halzoun syndrome
F. hepatica
Liver disease characterized by jaundice, edema and painful, progressive hepatomegaly
C. sinensis and Opistorchis spp
C. sinensis and Opistorchis spp is associated with
Cholangio carcinoma
Ulceration of the mucosa, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and flatulence
F. buski
No marked symptoms are produced other than intestinal irritation
E. ilocanum
Colicky pains and mucous diarrhea; self-terminating in about two months
H. heterophyes and M. yokogawai
Abdominal discomfort and intermittent diarrhea; vector of salmon poisoning disease in dogs
N. salmonicola
may cause cardiac heterophyasis
Heterophyes heterophyes
agent of salmon poisoning disease in dogs