species under intestinal and atrial flagellates
- Giardia lamblia/Giardia duodenalis
- Chilomastix mesnili
- Enteromonas hominis
- Roseburia intestinalis
- Dentamoeba fragilis
- Pentatrichomonas hominis
- Trichomonas tenax
- Trichomonas vaginalis
8-15 um; oval nucleus, Axoneme; parabasal bodies; and remnants of flagella
cyst of G. lamblia/G.duodenalis
7-10 um; lemon; 1 nuclei; Cytostome with curved fibril referred to as sheperd’s crook fibril
C. mesnili cyst
6-8 µm; ellipsoidal; 2 or 4 nucleus; Bipolar arrangement of nuclei; resembles Endolimax nana cyst
E. hominis cyst
4-7 µm; ovoid; 1 nuclei; Cytostome extends above nucleus (Bird’s beak)
R. intestinalis cysts
15x10 um; 2 nucleus; 8 flagella; Prominent sucking discs and axostyle
G. lamblia/G.duodenalis trophozoites
Motility of G. duodenalis trophozoites
Falling leaf like
15x7 um; 2 nucleus; 3 anterior flagella+ 1 fibril; Prominent cytostome with spiral groove
C. mesnili trophozoites
motility of C. mesnili trophozoites
corkscrew like/spiral jerky
8-9 um; 1 nuclei; 4 flagella;One side of the body is flattened
E. hominis trophozoites
6-7 um; 1 nuclei; 2 flagella Cytostome extends ½ the length of body
R. intestinalis trophozoites
motility of E. hominis and R. intestinalis trophozoites
Jerly motility
5-15 um; 1 or 2 nuclei; no flagella; Multiple hyaline, leaf-like pseudopodia; fragmented tetrakaryosome
D. fragilis trophozoites
motility of D. fragilis
Undulating membrane; axostyle extends beyond the organism’s body; cytoplasmic granules
P. hominis, T. tenax, T. vaginalis trophozoites