Neck Muscles Flashcards
Function of Platysma
Tenses skin of inferior face/neck
What nerve innervates the Platysma
Cranial Nerve VII - Facial Nerve
Function of Trapezius
Shoulder elevation/depression. Retracts scapula. Rotates glenoid to face superiorly (helps us reach up)
What innervates Trapezius
CN XI - Spinal Accessory
Fxn of Sternocleidomastoid
Unilateral contraction: lateral flexion and rotation of head (causes to face up and away from muscle);
Bilateral contraction: extends head at neck and flexes neck to bring chin down towards chest
What innervates Sternocleidomastoid
Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
Fxn of Geniohyoid
Pulls hyoid anteriorly, shortens floor of mouth, widens pharynx
Innervation of Geniohyoid
C1 ventral ramus via CN XII
Fxn of Stylohyoid
Elevates/retracts hyoid, elongates floor of mouth
Innervation of Stylohyoid
CN VII - Facial Nerve
Fxn of Diagastric: Anterior and Posterior Belly
Elevates hyoid during swallowing/speaking, can also depress mandible
Innervation of Diagastric: Anterior and Posterior Belly
Anterior: Inferior alveolar nerve
Posterior: CN VII - Facial Nerve
Fxn Mylohyoid
Elevates hyoid, tongue, floor of mouth during swallowing/speech
Innveration of Mylohyoid
Inferior alveolar nerve
Fxn Hyoglossus
Depresses tongue
Innervation Hyoglossus
CN XII - Hypoglossal Nerve
Fxn Sternohyoid
Depresses hyoid after elevation from swallowing
Innervation Sterohyoid
Ventral rami from C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis
Fxn Omohyoid
Depresses/retracts hyoid
Innervation Omohyoid
Ventral rami from C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis
Fxn Sternothyroid
Depresses hyoid and larynx
Innervation Sternothyroid
Ventral rami from C2-C3 via ansa cervicalis
Fxn Thyrohyoid
Depresses hyoid, elevates larynx
Innervation Thyrohyoid
Depresses hyoid, elevates larynx
What muscles insert onto the Hyoid Bone?
Digastric - hooks under tendon to hyoid
What muscles are innervated by Ventral rami from C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis