Which CDU page shows the GPS position?
POS REF 3/3 page
How can GPS position be displayed on the ND?
By selecting the POS switch on the EFIS control panel
What does the EICAS message “GPS” indicate?
When data from both GPS systems are unavailable or when both systems have failed
List the 4 parameters supplied by the ADIRS?
- Altitude
- Airspeed
- Attitude
- Hdg and postion
What Components make up the ADIRS?
The ADIRU, SAARU and air data modules
What bus power is required in order to turn the ADIRU on?
When can the ADIRU switch be used to turn the ADIRU off?
On the ground only
How is the ADIRU hot battery bus operation indicated on the ground?
ON BAT illuminates
What does the ADIRU/ORIGIN disagree scratchpad message indicate?
Position error entry
How can ADIRU operation be verified?
When operating normally there is no annunciation regarding the ADIRU. If in align mode this will be indicated by EICAS ADIRU ALIGN MODE
When does the automatic ADIRU re-align mode occur?
If the aircraft stops for an extended period
What can the SAARU supply after an ADIRU failiure?
Air data
How long does the SAARU supply backup heading for and what is the source for that initial heading?
Three minutes
The heading is based on ADIRU heading prior to failure.
When can the crew set the SAARU heading?
3 min after ADIRU failiure
How will the crew know that a heading update is required?
There are no reminders other than the SET HDG promt on the CDU POS INIT page
On which CDU page is the SAARU heading set?
Use the CDU POS INIT page 1 and the SET HDG prompt to set SAARU heading to the stand-by compass
What will provide pilots air data after failure of the ADIRU?
What is the pilots normal source for Air Data?
When will single channel air data occur?
When the ADIRU and the SAARU air data are invalid
Which air data channel supplies the standby instrument?
The centre air data channel
Which air data channel supplies the ISFD?
Centre air data channel
How are the DMEs tuned manually?
By entering the VOR portion of the VOR/DME pair on the NAV RADIO page
After a dual FMC failure, when is the DME tuned to an ILS DME?
The EFIS control panel ND mode selector must be set to APP
What are the two conditions for FMC ILS tuning?
Within 50nm from TOD and 150nm from the runway or the FMC is in the descent mode
How are the VOR radios tuned after a dual FMC failiure?
Via the CDU ALTN NAV radio page
In flight, in what modes will the selected transponder activate beacon and altitude reporting?
In modes: XPNDR, TA ONLY and TA/RA
When will the transponder function for Aircraft position monitoring on ground?
In any mode other than standby
What functions can be enabled by turning on the transponder?
How is the weather radar transciver turned ON?
The WXR switch on the EFIS control panel
What type of turbulence can be predicted by the weather radar?
Turbulence in sufficient precipitation
What type of windshear detection is available from the weather radar?
Predictive windshear alerting
What type of advisories does TCAS provide?
Traffic advisories and
Resolution advisories
What EFIS modes are compatible with TCAS displays?
Both map modes and the expanded modes of VOR and APP
What is the vertical distance of proximate traffic?
+-1200 ft
What are the PFD indications for an RA?
Filled red square
When should TCAS “TA only” be selected?
When flying with one engine inoperative
What data/information are GPWS immediate alerts based upon?
Radio altimeter
Aircraft configuration
Rate of descent
Can an obstacle and terrain alert be displayed simultaneously?
No, obstacle replaces terrain
What terrain is displayed on the ND?
When the aircraft is lower than 2’000 ft above the terrain, all obstacles and terrain within 2’000 ft of aircraft barometric altitude
When are PWS alerts enabled?
12 seconds after weather radar begins scanning for windshear. Below 1’200 RA
Does PWS require the weather radar to be switched ON on the ground and in the air?
No, it comes on automatically when trust is set for T/O
In flight below 1’200 ft RA, no
How many pitot tubes and static ports are there?
3 Pitot tubes
6 static ports
How many angle of attack sensors are there?
How many TAT probes are there?
How many GPS satellites should always be in view, at a minimum?
Satellites are positioned so that at least four are visible to a receiver at any given time.
What are the components in the formula for the GPS system to calculate position?
What is RAIM?
RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitor) is used to assess the integrity of GPS signals in the receiver system. RAIM uses redundant signals to produce several GPS position fixes and compare them. RAIM is considered to be available if 24 or more satellites are operative. With 23 or fewer, RAIM availability must be checked using ground based prediction software.
How many satellites are needed for:
- A 3D position
- Fault detection
- Fault detection and exclusion
To obtain a 3D solution, four measurements are needed. To detect a fault, at least five are needed. And to isolate and exclude a fault, at least six are needed.
What are the three GPS augumentation systems available?
There are three augmentation systems:
- ABAS (Aircraft Based Augmentation System)
RAIM is an ABAS system.
- SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System)
Uses satellites not part of the GPS constellation to provide corrections
- GBAS (Ground Based Augmentation System)
How many Air Data Modules are there on the B777?
Six primary and two stand-by ADMs (Air Data Modules)
What components does the ADIRU use to supply inertial reference and navigation data?
The ADIRU uses six ring laser gyros and six accelerometers to calculate and supply inertial reference and navigation data.
From what source does the ADIRU get it’s electrical power?
The ADIRU gets power from the L and R DC BUS and the Hot Battery Bus.
What are the two partitions of the ADIRU and what are their respective functions?
The ADIRU has two partitions:
- Air data, which provides airspeed, AOA, temperature
- Inertial Ref system, which provides Attitude, Hdg, Ground speed and Present position
What is the EICAS message when the ADIRU fails?
If the ADIRU inertial data fails, the EICAS message “NAV ADIRU INERTIAL” displays.
What is the only AFDS mode that will work after an ADIRU failure?
HDG SEL is the only one that will work, but only when a heading is entered on the POS INIT page.
What is the only way of navigation with an ADIRU failure?
The only navigation mode that will work with the SAARU is ND VOR mode using radio navigation data. LNAV/VNAV will not work.
Which static probes provides info to the Air Data Modules?
Left, Center and Right provides info
Which static and pitot probes provides info to the Stand-by Air Data Modules?
The center ones
What are the Stand-by Air Data Modules used for?
They are used for the standby flight instrument displays and their values are independent of ADIRU and SAARU values.
What other sources provides info to the ADIRU other than the Air Data Modules?
The AIMS receive analog signals from one TAT probe and two AOA vanes and converts them into a digital signal that gets sent to the ADIRU and SAARU.
When is the requirement for air data considered to be valid?
The AIMS receive analog signals from one TAT probe and two AOA vanes and converts them into a digital signal that gets sent to the ADIRU and SAARU.
How is single channel operation of the Air Data system indicated?
Single channel operation is indicated by the EICAS message “AIR DATA SYS”
With single channel operation of the Air Data system, how will ADIRU data be sent to the respective PFDs?
In this situation the left PFD will display ADIRU data from the left pitot/static system (left channel) and the right PFD displays the SAARU air data from the right pitot/static system (right channel)
After take-off, for how long is ILS auto tuning inhibited?
On initial take-off, ILS autotuning is inhibited for 10min to prevent clutter on the PFD.
ILS autotune inhibit is not active for subsequent take-offs on the same flight, ie touch-and-go or stop-and-go landings.
How is an ILS frequency tuned after a dual FMC failure?
After a dual FMC failure, the L and C ILS receivers are tuned with the left CDU on the ALT NAV RAD page. The right ILS receiver is tuned with the right CDU, also on the ALT NAV RAD page.
What happens if the selected transponder loses it’s GPS signal?
ADS-B OUT position reporting is lost or degraded and ATC is alerted.
What is the relation between the connection between the GPS antennas and the transponders?
The left (right) GPS is connected to the left (right) transponder
What are the symbols for:
- FMC position
- GPS position
- ADIRU position?
The FMC position is the tip of the triangle. Other positions are calculated in relation to the FMC in bearing/nm. The symbol for GPS is the “space ship/satellite” symbol. The inertial symbol is the “Star”.
What does the Actual Navigation Performance (ANP) nr mean?
Actual Navigation Performance (ANP) is the FMC position accuracy. Airplane position is estimated to be within this actual navigation performance circle 95% of the time.
In flight, how is the FMC navigation position determined?
In flight, the FMC position is the ADIRU inertial position updated by GPS data to compensate for inertial reference errors.
How is single FMC operation indicated and are there any information that will be erased?
The scratchpad message SINGLE FMC L or SINGLE FMC R displays after a loss of a single FMC. LNAV and VNAV, if active remain active and all flight plan and performance data is retained.
During single FMC operation, when a software reset occurs, what can happen and how can that be fixed?
A software reset may occur while in single FMC operation. The active route becomes inactive, performance data is erased and LNAV/VNAV fails. To regain FMC operation, activate and execute the flight plan, enter the performance data and engage LNAV/VNAV.
What does the message “TIMEOUT RESELECT” in the CDU scratch pad mean and what is the solution?
If the scratch pad message “TIMEOUT RESELECT” appears, the FMC is no longer connected to the CDU. Selecting the
How is a dual FMC failure indicated?
If both FMCs fail, LNAV/VNAV fails. EICAS message “FMC” will display
What system may be inoperative with a dual FMC failure?
How can navigation be made possible with a dual FMC failure?
The CDUs can be used as an alternate navigation system if both FMCs fail.
The CDUs don’t have a performance or navigation database. The CDUs continuously copy the active route from the FMCs. The CDU will retain flightplan waypoints, except for conditional waypoints, offsets, holding patterns and missed approach waypoints. New waypoints can only be entered as lat and long.
Is LNAV and VNAV available in alternate navigation mode with a dual FMC failure?
Only LNAV is available
In alternate navigation mode with a dual FMC failure, are the courses between waypoints referenced to magnetic or true?
Only the active waypoint is referenced to magnetic, the rest are in true courses.
What are your action if advised by ATC that ADS-B OUT comm is lost or degraded?
If advised by ATC that ADS-B OUT communication is lost or degraded, selection of the other transponder should restore communication and reporting.
What 3 databases does the FMC contain?
Performance database
Navigation database
AMI database (AMI = airline modifiable information)
If using the RTA (Required Time of Arrival) function, within what time is the FMC trying to arrive at the waypoint?
Within plus/minus 30 sec