Normally, which CDU can be used for Alternate EFIS operation?
The related CDU (CDU on the same side)
When is a CDU available to control the EFIS displays?
At all times. Doesn’t require a failure of the EFIS control panel
Can the EFIS panel and the CDU be used simultaneoulsy for EFIS control?
Which CDUs can be used for DSP control?
How many CDUs can be used for DSP control at a time?
When is selection of an inboard MFD no longer available?
If an outboard display unit fails, the PFD automatically moves to the inboard display unit regardless of the position of the inboard display selector
What affect does the failure of the upper centre display have?
Switches EICAS display to lower centre display
When are the DSPL CTRL switch to be used?
When automatic switching fails
DSPL CTRL switch provide capability to manually select PFD and ND sources
What is significant about a STATUS message?
They indicate equipment faults which may affect aircraft dispatch capability
When will a rectangular symbol preface an EICAS alert message?
When that EICAS alert message has procedural steps or have checklists that contain notes or info which crew must be made aware of
What colour alert messages can be cancelled?
Amber EICAS alert messages
When can red EICAS messages ever be cancelled?
Can COMM messages be cancelled?
How are EICAS messages prioritised?
4 Communications
5 Memo
6 Status Cue
How is an impending STALL indicated?
L and R stick shakers, which independantly vibrate the left and right control columns
When are T/O configuration warnings inhibited during T/O?
From V1 or rotation, whichever occurs first. Except for GEAR STEERING which is inhibited at 80 kts
How long will a T/O configuration EICAS message be displayed for?
Message remains displayed for 10s after thrust reduced to aid in identifying the T/O configuration
At what altitude before reaching your selected altitude do you get an aural warning?
900 ft to reach the MCP selected altitude
What is the difference between OPEN and CLOSED loop checklist items?
OPEN: Crew manually has to confirm completion
CLOSED: Continoulsy monitor the position of a flight deck switch and automatically (Flaps and Gear)
When is the STATUS cue inhibited?
At Engine start until 30min after T/O
When is the red ENG FAIL warning on the PFD working?
From 65kts airspeed until 6 kts before V1
How are EICAS events recorded?
Pushing the EICAS EVENT RCD switch
How many EICAS events can be recorded manually?
When are TCAS TA voice alerts inhibited?
Until 500 ft radio altitude
When are all TCAS RAs inhibited on take-off?
Until 1000 ft radio altitude
When is the “MASTER CAUTION” beeper sound inhibited?
From 80 kts to 800ft or 30 sec after lift-off, whichever occurs first
When is the MASTER WARNING bell inhibited?
From V1 or rotation until 400ft radio alt or 25 sec after inhibit began
When are all Predictive Windshear (PWS) alerts inhibited?
From 1’200 ft
When are new PWS caution alerts inhibited on the ground?
From 80 kts to 400ft radio alt
When are new PWS warning alerts inhibited on the ground?
From 100 kts to 50ft radio alt
What does the bottom of the yellow bar on the speed tape mean for the high speed range?
The yellow bar displays maneuver margin to high speed buffet. Bottom of the bar is the speed that provides 1.3 g maneuver capability, which on the B777 occurs at 40 deg bank in level flight.
What does the top of the yellow bar on the speed tape mean for the low speed range?
The yellow bar displays the maneuver margin to stick shaker or low speed buffet. The top of the bar is the airspeed that provides:
• 1.3 g maneuver margin to stick shaker with flaps down
• 1.3 g maneuver margin to stick shaker or Vref +80, whichever is less, with flaps up at or below 20’200 ft
• 1.3 g maneuver capability to low speed buffet with flaps up above 20’200 ft
What does the L or R next to the barometric setting on the PFD mean and what decides why its L or R?
L or R next to the barometric setting indicates which EFIS control panel is the barometric setting reference for the autopilot or flight director. When turning on both F/D, L is displayed. If only one is turned on that side determines L or R. The first A/P push determines side for flight.
What does the FMC selector on the first officers display switching panel do?
The FMC selector is on the first officers display switching panel and determines the active FMCF (Flight Management Computing Function) The selector has 3 positions:
• Left (L)
• Right (R)
In the left position the left FMCF is active. If the left FMCF fails there is no active FMCF. In the AUTO position, a random selection of the active FMCF occurs after power is supplied. If the active FMCF fails, the other one becomes active.
What does the NAV SOURCE switch do?
This switch selects the source of the NAV data that shows on the on-side ND and PFD. In the AUTO position, the active FMCF is the source of the NAV data(map). The on-side CDU supplies map data to the on-side ND when both FMCFs fail and the FMC selector is in AUTO. The on-side CDU also supplies map data when the FMC selector is in the left or right position and the related FMCF fails.
With the switch in and showing CDU, it causes the on-side CDU to supply NAV data to the on-side ND. This position permits the flight- and maintenance crew to do a check of the CDU alternate navigation capability. The CDU reformats it, and sends it to the on-side ND.
What does the DSPL CTRL switch do?
With the switch in showing the ALTN indication, an alternate display processing channel is selected instead of the current channel. With the switch blank, it automatically selects channels for the left outboard and inboard or right outboard and inboard displays
In the normal position, the ADIRU provides air data and attitude information to the PFD and ND. Alternate sources or the SAARU are automatically selected to replace ADIRU air data or attitude, as required.
In the ALTN position, the PFD and ND alternate air data sources is selected as follows:
• Air data (captain): SAARU single channel
• Air data (first officer): ADIRU single cannel
• Attitude (captain and firs officer): SAARU
When would you set the HDG REF switch to TRUE?
When in HDG or TRK.
Offsetting in LNAV can still be done when not in TRUE
When would you get an EICAS “ALTITUDE ALERT” message?
When departing the selected altitude by 200 feet or more, the EICAS alert message “ALTITUDE ALERT” is displayed
When is the EICAS “ALTITUDE ALERT” message inhibited?
Departing MCP selected altitude alerts are inhibited when:
• Glideslope is captured
• Landing flaps are selected and landing gear is down and locked
When would the EICAS “PILOT RESPONSE” message be displayed?
20 min after the last switch action was detected, the EICAS advisory message “PILOT RESPONSE” is displayed
What would happen if the EICAS “PILOT RESPONSE” message is ignored?
If message is ignored there will be a Master Caution, and if that is ignored there will be a Master Warning.
What does the Blue and White circle on the Off Path Descent page indicate?
The Blue circle indicates descent in a clean configuration
The White circle indicates descent with speed brakes extended
When will you get an EICAS “ALTITUDE ALERT” message?
When departing the selected altitude by 200 ft