What is the alert height for the B777?
200 ft RA
What level of autopilot redundancy is provided with LAND 3 annunciated?
Fail Operational. A single fault cannot prevent the Autopilot system from making an automatic landing
What level of autopilot redudancy is provided with LAND 2 annunciated?
Fail Passive. A single fault cannot cause a significant deviation from the flight path
During an asymmetric go-around from LAND 2 or LAND 3 approach, will automatic engagement of LNAV cause the autopilot to relinguish control of the rudder?
Yes. At the first change of a lateral or vertical mode, whether manually or automatically selected, i.e. LNAV, TRK SEL or ALT capture
With “AUTOTHROTTLE L” unserviceable is it possible to do a CAT III B approach?
No. Both autothrottles must be serviceable
If the F/O’s autopilot disconnect switch is inoperative, can you do a CAT II approach?
No. One may be inoperative provided:
a. Autopilot is not used below 1’500 ft AGL
b. Approach minimums
What is the meaning of the PFD localizer or glideslope deviation indicator turning amber and flashing?
Excess deviation from the required flight path at low RA
What pilot action is required in the event of a flashing LOC or GP deviation during approach above Alert Height?
If the aircraft is correcting, the approach may be continued
What pilot action is required in the event of a flashing LOC or GP deviation during approach below Alert Height?
A go-around must be commenced or if visual conditions permit, the autopilot may be disconnected and a manual landing made
What is the significance of a Master Caution light and aural signal below Alert Height?
Below alert height all unrelated alerts are inhibited. A Master Caution light and/or aural signal below alert height requires a go-around, or a manual landing if visibility permits
What EICAS caution messages/aurals are NOT inhibited below alert height?
What AFDS (approach category) category is available during an engine inoperative approach with LAND 3 on both PFD:s?
If correct FMA mode changes do not occur during the landing phase, the F/O will call?
“NO FLARE”, “RETARD” and “NO ROLLOUT” as appropriate
What indications would you expect during “Short Term Interference”?
Erratic ILS raw data indications
A/P disregards ILS signal and continues in attitude stabilised mode based on ADIRU data
What indications would you expect during “Long Term Interference” or failure?
A/P remains in attitude stabilised mode
Amber lines through affected modes
EICAS caution message “AUTOPILOT”
F/D:s disappears
What are the maximum windspeeds when using autoland?
Headwind = 25 kts
Crosswind = 25 kts
Tailwind = 15 kts
What is the maximum crosswind component for landing on a contaminated runway?
If more than 15 kts, consult FCOM 3 limitations
What are the system requirements when it comes to
a) LAND 2 and LAND 3
b) Autothrottle
c) Single sources
a) LAND 3 on both PFD:s for CAT III B, LAND 2 on both PFD:s for CAT III A and LAND 2 on one PFD for CAT II
b) Autothrottle on each operating engine for CAT III B
c) No single source (Displays, Rad alt or ILS) for all catergories
Is a CAT III B approach permitted with EICAS “AUTOTHROTTLE?
What is the minimum disconnect height on an ILS approach if LAND 3 or LAND 2 is not annunciated?
200 ft AGL
What is the significance of EICAS “NO AUTOLAND”?
Requires CAT I minimas to be used
Below 1000ft and alert height a go-around must be commenced unless visual landing can be made
When is a Take-off alternate needed in LVO conditions?
When the take-off weather conditions at the departure airport are at or below the published ILS landing minima or the minima for the approach in use
The destination alternate has CAT III B capability. Is it ok to file this airport as an alternate if the weather is below CAT I?
No. LVO minima can’t be used for alternate airports
After dispatch, the destination alternate weather forecast indicated LVP will be required. What should the crew consider with respect to the destination alternate?
Make sure that the alternate permits CAT I operations
A NOTAM indicates that the centreline lights are unserviceable. Is a CAT II ILS ok?
Yes, if RVR is 300m (day) or 550m (by night)
Check CAT III capability/suitability. If not ok, go around at 1’000 ft
Below 1’000 ft:
On a CAT III A approach the RVR deteriorates below minima…..what is your action?
Continue down to minima and if not visual, go around
Below 1’000 ft:
On a CAT III B approach the RVR deteriorates below minima….what is your action?
With no DA, i will land as no visual reference is required
With a DA, at DA i will go around unless i am visual
What is generally the crosswind limitation for LVP landings for:
CX: 25 kts
USA:15 kts
CANADA: 15 kts
Above 1’000 ft:
On a CAT III B approach the A/T fails…..what is your action?
If i can revert to CAT III A minimas i will do that and continue. Can reset minimas on PFD
If i can’t revert to CAT III A then i will go around at 1’000 ft
Below 1’000 ft:
On a CAT III B approach the A/T fails…..what is your action?
If i can revert to CAT III A minimas i will do that but don’t change the minimas on the PFD
If i can’t revert to CAT III A then i will do a go-around
What are your actions if the autopilot disconnects below alert height?
Land if i am visual, otherwise go-around
What are the minimas (CEILING/RVR) for a CAT II approach?
Ceiling 100 ft RA
RVR 350/150 m
What are the minimas (CEILING/RVR) for a CAT IIIA approach?
Ceiling 50 ft RA
RVR 200/150 m
What are the minimas (CEILING/RVR) for a CAT IIIB approach?
Ceiling 0 ft RA
RVR 100/100/100 m
At what distance from the far end of the runway does the center line lights turn alternating red/white?
900m / 3000ft
At what distance from the far end of the runway does the center line lights turn red?
300m / 1000ft
What is the recommended RVR for taxi during LVO operation?
How can you satisfy yourself that LVO are in force before conducting an LVO approach?
Could be on ATIS
Clearance for an CAT II/III approach satisfy that
What are the criteria for a stabilized approach?
IAS +10/-5 kts
ROD max 1’000 ft/min
Pitch +5 to -2,5 degrees
Bank angle 7 degrees
LOC 1 dot
G/S half a dot
Is it ok to do an AUTOLAND when being overweight?
Yes, but not recommended
What are your first actions after a rejected T/O in LVO conditions?
Put all lights ON
What is the RVR definition for when a T/O becomes LVO?
RVR below 400m
What is the RVR definition for when a landing becomes LVO?
RVR below 550m
Which RVRs are controlling on a CAT II approach?
Which RVRs are controlling on a CAT IIIA approach?
TDZ and MID.
If the MID is unavailable, then the RO can be substituted for the MID
Which RVRs are controlling on a CAT IIIB approach?
If MID is unavailable, then the RO can be substituted for the MID and the remaining two are controlling
What RVRs are controlling for a CAT I approach?
TDZ only
But if MID is reported it has to be above 200m for a manual landing or above 150m for an AUTOLAND
What is the visual requirements for a CAT IIIA approach at DA?
3 centerline lights must visible
What is the visual requirements for a CAT II approach at DH?
Approach environment and threshold must be visible
What is the visual requirements for a CAT IIIB approach at DH?
1 Centerline light with a DH and no visual requirements if there’s no DH
A NOTAM indicates that the standby ILS transmitter is unserviceable. Is a CAT II ILS permitted?
Yes, for a CAT II but not for a CAT IIIA or CAT IIIB
A NOTAM indicates that the approach lights are unserviceable.
Is a CAT IIIA ILS approach permitted?
Not allowed with DH > 50ft
After how long time does Short Term Interference, for ILS signal disruption, turn into Long Term Interference?
30 seconds