How many HYD reservoirs are there in the system and what color code do they have in the maintenance manual?
Left (red)
Centre (blue)
Right (green)
Which HYD system supplies the FLT controls?
All 3 systems. L, R and Center
Are the HYD reservoirs pressurized?
Yes, by the bleed air system
Which HYD system Powers the Normal brake system?
The Right HYD system
List the primary pumps for the L R C hydraulic systems
Left: ENG
Right: ENG
Center: Electric C1 and C2 pumps
List the demand pumps for the L R C systems
Left: Electric
Right: Electric
Center: C1 and C2 Air driven pumps
In AUTO, when will the L and R Hydraulic demand pumps operate?
When there is a high demand for HYD fluid and for T/O and Landing
Which HYD system Powers the ALTN/RSV brakes?
Center HYD system
What systems are supplied by the C HYD system?
- FLT controls
- Flaps
- Main gear steering
- Alt/RSV brakes
- Nose gear steering
- Landing gear actuation
What is the purpose of the RAT?
Used to power only the FLT controls getting fluid from the C HYD system when all power sources fails
Will both C1 and C2 primary pumps run on the ground with one Engine running?
No, only C1 will run with one Power source
Will both C1 and C2 demand pumps for C HYD system run if both are selected to ON?
No both pumps can’t operate at the same time. If both are selected on only C1 will operate.
What systems are isolated if C HYD system quantity is low and airspeed is above 60 kts?
Alt brakes, nose gear actuation and steering, LE slats
Will the RAT deploy automatically if the C HYD system is low?
No, all 3 HYD systems has to be low
What buses must be powered to be able to manually deploy the RAT?