ABT Flashcards
What classes of fire are there?
Class A = Combustible materials
Class B = Liquids
Class C = Electrics
Class D = Metals
What fire extinguishers do you use for the different classes of fire?
Class A = Water and BCF
Class B = BCF
Class C = BCF
Class D = Dry Powder
What is the “Fire Triangle”?
All these elements are needed to sustain a fire. If anyone is taken away the fire will be extinguished.
Describe Halon 1211 (BCF) in technical terms
Halon 1211 is a liquefied gas which, when discharged leaves the nozzle in a stream that is about 85% liquid and 15% gas. This gives it a range of about 2,5 - 4,5m.
Halon works by chemically reaction with the fires components. It stops the components of the “Fire Triangle” from working together.
It also doesn’t produce any residue which is good cause there is less secondary damage to assets and has relatively low toxicity
How many BCF:s do we have on a B777-300ER?
1 in the cockpit
7 in the cabin
2 in the crew rest at door 1
2 in the crew rest at door 5
What are the pre-flight checks for the BCF fire extinguishers?
- Check secure
- Check red disc intact
- Safety catch in place
How far away from a fire should you stand when using a BCF fire extinguisher?
6-8 ft
How many water fire extinguishers do we have on a B777-300ER and where are they located?
There are 3
Door R2, R3 and R4
How do you operate a BCF fire extinguisher?
- Lift up safety hatch
- Hold up stright
- Side test
- Discharge at the base of the fire in a sweeping motion
- Eventually move closer
How is fire extinguished in the toilets?
By a fire extinguisher in the waste bin. Operation is fully automatic.
How do you reset the toilet smoke detectors?
Press the amber light above the toilet door-
What is the pre-flight check for the PBE:s?
- Check secure and sealed
- Green tab visible
How long time will the oxygen in a PBE last?
Up to what cabin altitude is this time limit valid?
Will last minimum of 15 min up to a cabin altitude of 25,000ft
What is the procedure for putting on a PBE?
- Remove from the casing
- Hold the ring (base) near the orange pointers
- Shake it to extend the hood to full size
- Use thumb markings to put it over your head from back to the front
How many crowbars do we have on the B777-300ER and where are they located?
3, located in the cockpit, at door R5 and in the Door 5 Crew rest area
What is the pre-flight check for the life vests?
- Check strap intact
Where are the arctic survival kits located?
Door L1 and R1 in the ceiling.
Where is the medical kit located on the B777-300 ER and what is the code to open it?
Door R2. Code is 999
What should the cabin crew check on the door during the pre-flight checks?
Two gauges reading in the green and battery charged
What should the pax be advised to do in case of a smoke situatution?
Use a wet towel
What is the duty of the F/O during an evacuation?
Take the torch and assist the right side evacuation
What doors are usable for all aircraft attitudes during a land evacuation?
All doors
Where is the passenger cabin emergency light switch located?
Door L1
How do you confirm that a door is properly closed?
Check alignment of the red arrow
What is the color of the mode selector panel on the door for Automatic and Manual?
Automatic = Red
Manual = Green
What is the color of the girt bar indicator flag viewing window for armed and not armed positions?
Armed = Yellow
Not armed = Black
Which doors can be used for emergency and normal operation on the B777-200?
All doors can be used for emergency and normal operations as there are no over-wing exits
Which doors are for emergency use only on the B777-300 and the B777-300ER?
Door L3 and R3 are for emergency use only as they are over-wing exits
What happens if you put the FLT DECK DOOR switch in the “DENY” position?
Emergency access and the keypad is inhibited for 5 min and the red light on the keypad illuminates
Describe what happens when the FLT DECK DOOR code is entered and there is no pilot response?
When the code is entered a yellow light will illuminate on the keypad. It means that the correct code has been entered. The AUTO UNLK light will illuminate in the cockpit. If there is no response in 20 seconds an aural chime will sound. After another 20 seconds the AUTO UNLK light will flash and the aural sound will be continuoulsly and the door will open 20 seconds later for a period of 5 seconds
If one pilot goes on a toilet break, is it required to have a cabin crew member on flight deck?
When is it not necessary?
Yes, there has to be minimum two people on the flight deck.
It is not a requirement to bring up a cabin crew member if a jump-seat passenger is present who is a pilot or cabin crew or if the person holds a certificate of competency.
What does the orange indicator on the cockpit window operating handle mean?
Means that the window is not locked
What is the fire fighting procedure for a Lithium battery fire?
- Remove external power if safe to do so
- Use fire extinguisher to put out the fire
- Cool the device with water or non-flammable liquid
- Place in a fire sock bag once cooled
Describe procedure for re-fueling with passengers onboard?
- One pilot to remain on flight deck
- Pax remain seated with seat belt unfastened
- Inform ISM that re-fueling is taking place
- ISM shall make PA
- Switch on SEAT BELT sign when re-fueling is complete
- Air-bridges or stairs at preferably door L1, L2,
with a cabin crew member at these doors. If only one cabin door is open with an airbridge or stairs, an additional door in a different zone shall have a door ready for embarkation with a cabin crew member stationed at that door - Every zone with no air-bridge or stairs needs a
cabin crew member near the with door in manual
ready for evacuation - If a zone does not have a door available for evacuation, due catering loading etc,
it needs two doors available for
evacuation in an adjacent zone
How many doors have to be manned by a cabin crew member when re-fueling with pax onboard?
How can the pilots alert the cabin crew of moderate/severe turbulence if the PA system fails?
Cycle to seat belt sign
Where in the cabin are spare O2 masks located?
In each row, at designated baby bassinet seats and at each lavatory
What is the purpose of a yellow lanyard attached to an 02 mask and where can these masks be found?
Purpose is to be able so reach the mask where ceilings are higher. Can be found at crew stations and in toilets
How long will chemical 02 supply be available for?
22 min
Can chemical 02 supply be stopped for use later?
No, once activated it can not be stopped
What will happen automatically once the cabin altitude climbs above 13’500 ft?
- Seat belt sign will illuminate
- 02 masks will deploy
- A PA will play in 4 languages
- All lights will illuminate in the cabin
How can a passenger 02 mask be manually turned off?
By pushing the toggle switch up
What two types of escorts can there be for passengers and what is the difference between the two?
- Travel assistant: Passenger has a disability and need
help feeding and to go to toilet etc - Safety assistant: Passenger has mental disability with
problems to understand commands. Mobility
impariment. Hearing or visual impairments
What are the rules about the number of passengers we can carry with immobility?
Only one person with immobility per emergency exit, excluding over-wing exits. That means max 8 passengers.
With regards to passengers with disabilities, who shall be contacted before a decision to disembark such person is taken?
CJR team (Customer Journey & Recovery)
Which doors has a BCF fire extinguisher on the B777-300ER?
R1, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 and R5
In the shape of a “C”
Which doors has a PBE on the B777-300ER?
All doors
Which doors has a water fire extinguisher on the B777-300ER?
R2, R3 and R4
Which doors has the fire sock and the protective fire gloves on the B777-300ER?
Fire sock is at L3
Protective glove is at L5
Which doors has a torch on the B777-300ER?
All doors
Which doors has a radio beacon on the B777-300ER?
L2 and L5
Which doors has spare adult life jackets on the B777-300ER?
L5 and R5
3 at each door
Which doors has spare infant life jackets on the B777-300ER?
L5 and R5
12 at each door
Which door has spare baby floatation cots on the B777-300ER?
L5 and R5
4 at each door
Which door have megaphones on the B777-300ER?
L1, L2 and L4
Which door have additional survival packs on the B777-300ER?
All doors except for L3 and R3
Which doors have portable 02 bottles on the B777-300ER?
All doors
1 at L1/R1 and L2/R2
2 at L3, L4 and R3/R4
3 at L5 and R5
Which doors has spare 02 masks on the B777-300ER?
5 available
Which doors has First Aid Kits on the B777-300ER?
L1 - L5
Which doors have a splint pack on the B777-300ER?
R1 and R5
Which doors has a in-flight medical kit on the B777-300ER and what is the code to open it?
Code is 999
Which doors have pocket mask and gloves kit on the B777-300ER?
L1 - L5
Which doors has a automated external defibrillator on the B777-300ER?
Which doors has a body bag on the B777-300ER?
Which doors has a child restraint/extension seat belts on the B777-300ER?
R1 and R5
16 at each door
Which doors has a demonstration kit on the B777-300ER?
All doors except for L1
Which doors has a restraint kit on the B777-300ER?
Which door has arctic survival kits on the B777-300ER?
L1 and R1
What is the command from the flight crew when they want the cabin crew to resume normal operation after an alert phase?
What does “CREW TO INTER-PHONES” mean?
Command can be given by flight crews or the ISM any time they wish to provide instructions, briefings or updates without activating the alert phase or if the alert phase already has been activated
What voice commands shall be given by the flight crew during an emergency landing and at what time?
- Below 5’000 ft call L1 and make sure cabin is secure
- 2 min to landing: “ATTENTION CREW AT STATIONS” x 2
- 30 sec to landing: “ATTENTION BRACE BRACE”
What is the alternate way of communicating to the crew the “brace signal”?
Cycle the seat belt sign a minimum of 6 times
What is the signal from the flight crew to initiate an evacuation?
What command will the flight crew use after an emergency landing where an immediate evacuation is NOT needed and more time is needed to assess the situation?
What is the duty of the second officer during an evacuation?
As directed by the Captain
What is the alert horn signal in the flight crew rest area for decompression and smoke?
Decompression: Continuous
Smoke: Pulsating
How many smoke detectors are there in the crew rest at door 1?
One in each bunk, one in the closet, one in the staircase and two in the common area
Who needs to authorize the use of handcuffs?
The Captain
Which convention gives the Captain power to disembark or restrain unruly passengers?
The Tokyo Convention from 1963
How many classes of dangerous goods are there?
What are the rules about transporting explosives from and through Hong Kong?
Transport forbidden to originate in Hong Kong
Trans-shipment of explosives through Hong Kong is only permitted with an approval by CAD
What kind of Lithium batteries are forbidden to be transported on a Cathay aircraft?
Lithium Metal Batteries
What does the Dangerous Goods label “C.A.O” mean?
Cargo Aircraft Only
Door 3 is secondary exit for which type of evacuation?
Ditching on water
What is necessary for the 406S emergency beacon to activate? What is the difference to the 406SE version?
Salt water
406SE doesn’t need liquid to activate
How long will the battery in an emergency radio beacon last?
50h for frequency 121,5 and 243 MHz
24h for frequency 406 MHz
What is the difference in colours for life jackets for crew members compared to passengers?
Crew jackets are orange
Passenger jackets are yellow
How long will the light on a life jacket last?
What are the three different emergency frequencies used for radio beacons, and what are the different frequencies used for?
121,5 MHz Civil
243 MHz Military
406 MHz Satellite
How long do you need to push the Airflow/Smoke reset switch in the crew rest area?
2 seconds
What is the phrase to be used by cabin crew when warning the flight crew of a possible breach of the cockpit?
“Echo Echo”
In the event of an emergency, can all doors be used regardless of aircraft attitude?
Yes, all doors can be used
How many doors are to be manned by cabin crew during re-fueling with passengers onboard?
Two doors
What should you do with regards to the oxygen supply if you level off between 10,000 ft - 13,000ft?
Instruct ISM to shut off all unnecessary oxygen masks in the cabin area
What should you do with regards to the oxygen supply if you level off below 10,000ft?
Reset the passenger oxygen switch, unless required for therapeutic purposes
What is needed too activate the Rescu 406SE Radio Beacon on land?
Place the rotary switch in the “XMT” position
What are the pre-flight checks for the PBEs?
Check seal intact and that the indicator is green
What is included in the Fire Sock kit?
A fire sock bag and a pair of heat resistant gloves
Where is the manual inflation handle for the slide/raft at Door 1?
On the floor on the right hand side if you are standing in front of the door
Where is the manual inflation handle for the slide/raft at Door 3?
In the upper left corner if you are standing in front of the door
Where do you find the escape strap at Door 3?
In the upper right corner if you are standing in front of the door
What is the definition of fever with regards to temperature?
38 degrees or higher
What does the “limited quantity” label look like with regards to Dangerous Goods?
Has the letter Y
Which type of Lithium Batteries are forbidden on CX aircrafts?
Lithium Metal batteries
Which type of Lithium Batteries are permitted on CX aircrafts?
Lithium Ion batteries
Are small Lithium battery powered vehicles allowed on CX aircraft?
What does the “PG” column on a NOTOC indicate?
Relative degree of danger:
I = High danger
II = Medium danger
III = Low danger
What does the “IMP Code” on a NOTOC indicate?
“Interline Message Procedure”
Ex. AVI, TDL, TDH etc
What does the “ERG” column on a NOTOC represent?
“Emergency Response Guidance”
What action should be done regarding the cabin oxygen supply at different altitudes?
- Between 10’000-13’500 ft instruct cabin crew to manually shut off all unnecessary oxygen masks by pushing the toggle upwards.
*At or below 10’000 ft, cockpit crew should reset the oxygen using the “PASS OXYGEN” switch