73,08 (73,86 incl THS)
Max steering angle?
70 deg
Min width of pavement for a 180 deg turn?
Max operating flight altitude?
43’100 ft pressure altitude
Max speed?
350 kts or M 0.89
Engines on B777-300ER?
GE90 -115BL
Max Zero Fuel Weight for the -300ER
237’682 kg
T/O weight -300ER?
351’534 kg
Landing weight -300ER?
251’290 kg
Nr of Pax entry doors?
Nr of cargo doors and their location?
3 on the right side of the fuselage
What is max allowable slope?
+- 2%
Max T/O and Landing tailwind Component?
15 kts
Max crosswind Component for T/O on a dry or wet rwy?
20 kts
Max crosswind Component for Landing on a contaminated rwy?
15 kts
Max T/O and Landing altitude?
8’400 ft pressure altitude
Min altitude for autopilot engagement after T/O?
200 ft AGL
What are the max allowable wind speeds for autoland?
HW 25 kts
TW 15 kts
XW 25 kts
When must the autopilot be disconnected if not in a go-around or coupled to an ILS?
Without LAND 2 or LAND 3 annunciated the AP must be disengaged below 200 ft
What is the max fuel temperature?
49 deg C
What is the min in-flight fuel temp?
3 deg C above the freezing point of the fuel being used
When must Engine-anti ice be selected on for ground operations?
What is the definition of visible moisture?
For all ground operations when icing conditions are anticipated or exist. That means OAT less than 10 deg C.
Icing conditions are in visible moisture and below +10 deg C
Visible moisture is defined as having a VIS less than 1600m
When can the ground manouvre cameras be used?
Any time apart from T/O, approach and landing
What are the limitations for the cargo door to be operated?
As long as winds do not exceed 40 kts
When is the flight deck acess door to be operationally checked?
By crew on their first sector
What is the minimum oil temp for Engine start?
-40 deg C
What are the glideslope angle limitations for an autoland?
Max: 3,25 deg
Min: 2,5 deg
Max x-wind component for landing on a dry runway?
38 kts
Max altitude for use of flaps?
Fuel density limits?
0,7309 - 0,8507 kg/litre
Fuel imbalance limits for take-off/landing?
1’360(1300) kg when total main tank fuel exceeds 55’791kg
2041(2000) kg when total main tank fuel is less than 40’823 kg
What is the max allowable difference between the Captains and the F/O:s altimeters with regards to field elevation?
75 ft
Engine limits:
N1, EGT, N2, Oil pressure, Oil temp,
N1 = 2602 RPM (110,5%) 2355 RPM (100%)
EGT= 750, 825, 1050, 1090 5 min, 1095 30 seconds
N2 = 11292 RPM (121%) 9332 RPM (100%)
Oil Pressure = Below 10 psi it is 15 seconds
Oil Temp = 132 no limit, 143 it is 15 min
Turbulence penetration speed?
- 270 kts below 25’000 ft
- 280 kts or 0,82 Mach whichever is lower at or above 25’000 ft
Maintain at least 15 kts above MMS at all altitudes when airspeed is below 0,82 Mach
Are we allowed to operate the HF radios during refueling?
No and not within 50 ft of refueling operation
What is the fire category for the B777? (ICAO and FAA)
Category 9 (ICAO) INDEX E (FAA)
What is the width between the outer main gear on the B777?
12,90 m
What is the approach category for the B777?
What speeds is that category based on?
Category D
Based on an approach speed between 141-165 kts
What is the aerodrome reference code for the B777?
E= Based on a wingspan between 52-65m and a outer gear wheel width of 9-14m
4= 1800m and above balance field length
What is the glide ratio of the B777?
Roughly 19:1 (source might be unreliable)
What is the distance between the nose wheel and the middle main wheel?
What is the width of the THS (Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer)?
What is the clearence distance needed from the wingtip to an object for a turn?
What is the wing tip radius for a minimum turn radius?
What is the max cross wind limitation for T/O on a contaminated runway?
10 kts
What are the breaking action ICAO designators as well as the CODE and MU values?
DRY 6 >50 GOOD 5 40 & above GOOD to MEDIUM 4 36 - 39 MEDIUM 3 30 - 35 MEDIUM to POOR 2 26 - 29 POOR 1 21 - 25
What is the minimum speed tires should be capable of for T/O?
204 kts
What is the minimum overspeed tires should be capable of for landing?
226 kts
What is the ramp weight or maximum taxi weight for the -300ER?
352’441 kg