Examination of materials derived from the human body (such as fluids, tissues, or cells) for the purpose of providing information on diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, or treatment of disease.
Medical/Clinical Laboratory
Classification of laboratories according to…
AO 59 s2001
According to function
Clinical pathology
Anatomical pathology
According to institutional character
Hospital based
Non-hospital based
According to service
What are the classifications of laboratories?
According to function (Clinical Pathology; Anatomic Pathology)
According to institutional character (hospital based; non-hospital based)
According to service capability
(primary, secondary, tertiary)
Focuses on the areas of clinical chemistry, immunohematology & blood banking. Medical microbiology, immunology & serology, hematology, parasitology, clinical microscopy, toxicology, therapeutic drug monitoring, & endocrinology among others
Clinical pathology
Concerned with the diagnosis & treatment through laboratory testing of blood & other body fluids
Clinical pathology
Concerned with the diagnosis of diseases through microscopic examination of tissues & organs.
Anatomical pathology
A clinical laboratory that focuses on the areas of histopathology, immunohistopathology, cytology, autopsy, & forensic pathology among others
Anatomical pathology
Classification of laboratories based on..
AO 27 s2007
Classification of laboratories based on AO 27 s2007
According to ownership (government; private)
According to function (clinical pathology; anatomic pathology)
Institutional character (institution-based; freestanding)
According to service capability (primary; secondary; tertiary)
A clinical laboratory that operates within the premises or part of an institution such as hospital, school, medical clinic, medical facility for overseas workers & seafarers, birthing homes, pyschiatric facility, drug rehabilitation center.
Institution based
A clinical laboratory which is NOT part of an established institution like a free standing out patient clinical laboratory
Licensed to perform basic & routine lab testing like routine hematology, routine stool exam, routine urinalysis, etc
Primary Category
Floor area requirement: 10 square m
Primary Category
Tests done of primary + routine clin chem
Secondary category
Floor area requirement: 20 meter
Secondary category
Licensed to perform all lab b performed in secondary lab tests + immunology + microbiology + special CC + special hema + immunohematology
Tertiary category
Floor area requirement: 60 square meter
Limited service capability (institution-based)
(dialysis centers, social hygiene clinics)
Tertiary category
Special clinical laboratories (assisted reproduction technology laboratory; molecular & cellular technology; molecular biology; molecular pathology, forensic pathology, & anatomic pathology)
Tertiary category
Any testing sites that perform laboratory examinations under the administrative control of a licensed laboratory but outside the physical confines of the laboratory
Satellite testing sites
A laboratory testing unit that moves from one testing site to another testing site or has a temporary testing location and a “base laboratory”
Mobile clinical laboratories
Shall be licensed as part of the main clinical laboratory and is permitted to collect specimens only and they dont test.
Mobile clinical laboratories
How long does the mobile clinical laboratories shall be allowed to operate from its main laboratory
100-km radius
Regulates the operation, maintenance and registration of clinical laboratories in the Philippines
RA 4688 s1996
When did RA 4688 s1996 be approved?
June 18, 1966
Rules and regulation governing establishment, operation and maintenance of clinical laboratories in the Philippines
AO 59 s2001
When did the AO 59 s2001 approved?
November 19, 2001
What are the clinical laboratory laws?
RA 4688 s1996
AO 59 s2001
A laboratory that operates within a hospital
Hospital based laboratory
A laboratory that operates on its own
Non-hospital based laboratory
What are the requirements for equipment/instruments primary category?
Clinical centrifuge
Microhematocrit centrifuge
Microscope with oil immersion objective
Hemoglobinometer or its eqvlnt
Differential blood counter or its equivalent
What are the requirements for equipment/instruments secondary category?
What are the requirements for equipment/instruments secondary category?
All those in primary category plus the ff:
Photometer or its eqvlnt
Timer ot its eqvlnt
What are the requirements for equipment/instruments tertiary category?
All those in the secondary category plus the ff:
Triple beam/ analytical balance
Serofuge or its eqvlnt
Drying oven
Biosafety or its eqvlnt
NRL for dengue, influenza, TB & other mycobacteria, malaria & other parasites, bacterial enteric diseases, measles, & other exanthems, mycology, enteroviruses, antimicrobial resistance, & emerging disease
RITM ( Research Institute for Tropical Medicine)
NRL for confirmatory testing of blood donors & blood units
RITM (Research Institute for Tropical Medicine)
NRL for environment & Occupational Health; Toxicology and Micronutrient Assay
EAMC (East Avenue Medical Center)
NRL for Hematology, Immunohematology, and Immunopathology
NKTI (National Kidney and Transplant Institute)
NRL for HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, & other sexually transmitted infections
SACCL - ( STD/AIDS Cooperative Central Laboratory - San Lorazo Hospital)
NRL for Anatomic Pathology and Biochemistry
LCP (Lung Center Of the Philippines)
Designated by the DOH to provide special functions and services
National Reference Laboratory (NRL)
reference means
It confirms whether it’s positive or negative for that specific test
NRL - National Reference Laboratory