Natural Hazards Definitions (E) Flashcards
A’a lava
Flows with a rough surface
Abyssal plain
Flat region of the ocean floor
Acid rain
Carbon mixing with the rain - chemical weathering
Aseismic building design
Buildings designed to withstand + minimise destruction during an earthquake
Light material from a volcano
Portion of the earths mantle, it’s the denser, weaker layer beneath the lithospheric mantle
Basal drag
Convection currents creating friction on underside of plate dragging it ,18cm a year
Large body of igneous rock formed beneath earths surface
Large depression formed when a volcano erupts + collapses
Collision Zone
Formed when two continental plates collide
Composite cone
Large volcanoes, active over long periods + erupt periodically
Constructive margin
Plates move appart
Continental crust
The crust beneath land
Continental drift
The movement of continents (from tectonic plates)
Convection current
The movement of the mantle
Circulatory air deflected to north + south hemisphere
Rock with diamonds
rotating counterclockwise winds, low centre pressure
Destructive margin
Plates move together , subduction or collisional
The first area of land felt by the earthquake
Fire - creeping
A fire spreading slowly with a low flame
Fire - running
A fire without control
Easily set on fire
The point where a hazard directly occurred
Fold mountains
Where earths continental plates are pushed together
A detector that responds to ground vibrations generated by seismic waves
Something that may cause loss of life + property damage
Hazard perception
People seeking hazards as a natural event, not controlled by humans
Hazard zone mapping
Provided information for the public about areas which are under great threat and which are safer
Horst and Graben landscape
Where earths crust is pulled apart areas of land fall down
A large plume of hot mantle material
Giant tropical storms, warm water is sucked in
Island arc
A line of islands that forms from volcanic activity along a subduction zone ,causing fractures in the plate parallel to the boundary lets magma rise
L wave
Earthquakes wave that travels around the earths surface and is usually the 3rd conspicuous wave to reach a seismograph
Hot and cold mix of water and rock that flows down volcano slopes
Molten rock from a volcano on land
Lava - andesitic (high or low viscosity)
High viscosity
Lava - basaltic (low or high in silica)
Low in silica, runny
Lava - rhyolitic (viscous yes or no)
Viscous , thick blocky lava flows
Water saturated sediment temporarily loses strength and acts like a liquid due to high shaking
Solid , outer part of the earth - crust
Molten rock underneath land
Magma plume
Areas of hot upwelling mantle
Mass damper
Device in structures to stop buildings collapsing
Mercalli scale
Measures earthquake intensity on a scale of I to XII
To reduce the seriousness of a situation
Mountain root
A rock layer beneath the ground extending as far as 10 to 15x the mountains height
Multi-hazard environment
More than one hazard e.g. volcano, earthquakes, tropical storms
Risk sharing
When everyone in a road buys insurance, it lowers the individual price of insurance for each house.
A nuée ardente
Fast moving cloud of hot gas + ash from a volcano
Ocean ridge
Where oceanic crusts move appart (constructive)
Ocean trench
Where two oceanic destructive plates meet , and one is sub-ducted creating a trench
Oceanic crust
The crust under water
P wave
The first waves to arrive at a seismograph, solid liquid and gas
Has a smooth surface whilst the lava is moving
At constructive margins rock sections are being newly formed (newest in the middle) all the rocks contain different magnetic fields
Park model
Plots the quality of life after a disaster occurs (against time)
Passive margin
Transition between oceanic + continental plate
Phreatic explosion
Steam- driven explosions underneath ground by volcanic activity
Plate margin
Where the edge of a tectonic plate is
Body of igneous rock, from magma steadily cooling
Pyroclastic flow
800 degrees C <
Mix of rock fragments , gas + ash that travels rapidly
Return interval
Average time between events
Richter scale
Measures earthquakes, exponential scale
Ridge push
A pushing force that plates experience when they have magma pushing up
Rift Valley
Flat + low-lying valley that forms at geographical crack/ separation
Exposure of people to a hazardous event
S wave
Lateral waves, side to side (perpendicular) second seismic wave to reach .
Saffir- Simpson scale
5 point scale of hurricane intensity. Starts at 74mph, 5 scales (5 is the worst)
Seismic gap theory
Based on the assumption that all parts of a fault move eventually. If an area has been fine for a while soon there will be one
Shield volcano
Low viscosity lava, spreads from source on gentle slopes
High silica = thick + sticky
Low silica = runny + smooth
Slab pull
Pulling force exerted by a plate being sub-ducted
Storage location for bulk materials
Storm surge
Raise in sea level due to force by a storm
Where a plate is forced bellow another
Surface deformation
Change in earths surface by tectonic forces
Anything thrown into the air during a volcanic eruption
The 3 P’s
The Sendai framework
Addresses the dimensions of disaster risk In order to prevent new risk + reduce existing risk
Transform fault
2 plates slide past one another
Tropical storm
Very powerful low-pressure weather system
Large wave caused by earthquake bellow water
Tuned Mass Damper
Moves in opposing direction to seismic hazard waves
An intense circular storm, originates over warm oceans
Volcanic expolsivity index
Based on magnitude + intensity
Fluids resistance to flowing
Volcanic bomb
Lump of lava thrown out by an erupting volcano
Potential for loss
Wind shear
A difference in wind speed + direction over a relatively short distance in the atmosphere
The way people view the threat which determine their response
Antecedent conditions
Conditions before the event
Conservative margins
Plates moving past each other
How strong the earthquake is
Ladder fuels
The vegetation that allows fire to spread like fuel
Where someone is stuck in fire