Changing Places Definitions Flashcards
endogenous factors
factors within a place that help shape its character
exogenous factors
external influences on a places identity
social characteristics and statistics of a human population
sense of place
emotions someone attaches to an area based on their experiences
increase in the proportion of people living in towns/ cities
characteristics of a town or city
characteristics of countryside
when business or other organisations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale
things start to look the same, uniform/ similar
structures and facilities (buildings, roads, power supply) needed for society to operate
life expectancy
Average period of time that a person is expected to live to
birth rate
number of live births per thousand of population per year
death rate
number of deaths per thousand of population per year
characteristics of a poor area (urban) being changed by wealthier people moving in. Housing improvements, attracting new business, displacing current inhabitants.
Quantitative data
numerical value
qualitive data
subjective, interpretative quantities of an item or process, rather than being numerical
making a judgment about the amount, number, value of something
Being able to maintain a certain rate or level
The ability to meet the current needs of society without compromising the future
social characteristics/ factors
aspects of a person or group of people that relate to their social status, roles, norms and expectations in a society
economic characteristics/ factors
features of an economy that affect the production, consumption and distribution of goods and services
environmental & physical characteristics/ factors
varied characteristics of a place, water and air or pollution, noise, access to open space and visual effects of buildings
a place where something happens or is set. Particular events associated with it
particular place or position
the fact of being similar to many other places and having no special features
tourist gaze
organised by businesses and governments and can mediate the tourists experience of a place
death sites
somewhere multiple deaths have occurred for example 911 and tourists can visit but have a limit to what they can see
identity (in relation to place)
individuals or groups sense of attachment to place. or key characteristics of a place
insider perspective
a view point from an individual within a place who lives there and has experienced that place
outsider perspective
a view point of someone not from a certain place/ doesn’t live there/ has little or no experience of that place
far places
somewhere either far away in distance or somewhere someone hasn’t experienced before
Near place
somewhere close in distance or somewhere someone has had many experiences before and that place is familiar to them
experienced places
these are places that someone is familiar with and has ben there and experienced it. Spent time in and visited.
the study of human sciences and their development
media places
Someone hasn’t visited a place but has learnt about it through media representations. Media may only focus on good parts of a place making it unrealistic.
dislike or prejudice against people from other countries
genius loci
prevailing character or atmosphere of a place
a love of a place, strong sense of place
intense fear of a place, strong dislike of a place
particular form of a language specific to a region or social group
movement of people to a new country or area to find work and better living conditions
socially constructed
concept that exists that exists in objective reality as a result of human interaction. Exists because humans agree it exists
change of a corporate image of company organisation
heritage tourism
the practice of travelling abroad to places of historical or cultural interest
crowd sourcing
practice of obtaining information by getting a large number of peoples input (paid or unpaid) usually on the internet
place of origin or earliest known history of something
official count or survey especially of population
A damaging lack of material benefits considered to be a basic need in society
Index of Multiple Deprivation
UK’s measure of poverty, measures relative deprivation for small areas of England
relating to or occupying space
relating to time
plants of a particular region, habitat or geological period
animals of a particular region, habitat or geological period
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Boom and BUST
alternating phases of economic growth or decline
a steel belt
places in northern or midwestern USA, industrial regions
the rust belt
when the USA’s industrial regions started to decline, deindustrialisation, economic decline, urban decay, population loss
large areas of abused land on peripheries of city’s and beyond where urban sprawl happens meets urban dereliction
poor urban area occupied primarily by minority group(S)
multinational corporations
a corporation that operates in more than one country at a time
development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale
reduction of industrial action/ activity or capacity in a region or economy
active improving a place especially to make it more active or successful