Musculoskeletal Embryology Flashcards
Embryo folding
Occurs between days 18-24 after fertilization, trilaminar embryo undergoes cranial-caudal and lateral folding
After folding - endoderm
The yolk sac becomes the gut tube and is suspended in the body cavity, will become the epithelial lining of the gut
After folding - mesoderm
Suspends gut tube within tube of the body and surrounds the gut tube, will become the wall of the gut. and under the ectoderm will become the components of the body wall and limbs
After folding - ectoderm
Brought around the embryo with mesoderm to form anterior body wall and encase embryo in amniotic cavity, will become the epithelium of the skin
Paraxial mesoderm
On either side of the neural tube, forms the axial skeleton and skeletal muscle in the body wall and limbs
Intermediate mesoderm
Next to the the paraxial mesoderm
Lateral plate mesoderm
Lateral to the intermediate mesoderm, divided into somatic mesoderm and splanchnic mesoderm
Somatic mesoderm
In contact with ectoderm, and will form the connective tissue and smooth muscle of then body wall and limbs, as well as the appendicular skeleton
Splanchnic mesoderm
In contact with endoderm, and will form the wall of the gut
Limb development time and location
Between weeks 4-8 and from the lateral plate mesoderm
Limb embryonic induction
Intermediate mesoderm produces FGF8, which induces lateral plate to produce FGF10, which induces overlying ectoderm to form the apical ectoderm ridge (AER)
Apical ectodermal ridge
Thickened ectoderm, maintains proliferation of the progress zone (somatic mesoderm) by producing FGF4 and FGF8, promotes outgrowth of limb bud along proximal/distal axis (shoulder to fingers)
Cells leaving progress zone
As the limb elongates they are no longer under the control of AER and stop dividing and differentiate into cartilage and bone
Removal of AER
Results in distal truncation of the limb (meromelia or amelia)
Direction cells of the limb proliferate
Proximal to distal pattern
Selective loss of AER
How digits form, reduces amount of FGF in interdigital spaces, causing apoptosis and cessation of cell proliferation
Zone of polarizing activity
Specialized mass of cells in base of limb bud that regulate development along cranial/caudal axis
ZPA role in maintaining AER
Induced by FGF8, produces retinoic acid which initiates expression of SHH to regulate the anteroposterior axis
Sonic hedgehog
Establishes gradient of homeobox gene expression across developing limb
Hox genes
Transcription factors that define pattern of differentiation from thumb to little finger
Formation of extra digits due to transplantation of the ZPA or implantation of a Shh ectopically expressed in anterior limb bud (as well as the usual posterior expression)
Two methods by which bones develop
Intramembranous or endochondral ossification
Intramembranous ossification bones formed
Flat bones of the skull and bones of the face
Intramembranous ossification mesenchyme cell characteristics
Loosely organized, mainly mesodermal embryonic tissue that will develop into connective and skeletal tissues (like blood and lymph)
Intramembranous ossification mesenchyme cell differentiation
Into osteoblasts that produce primary or woven bone (irregularly arranged collagen fibers)
Intramembranous ossification woven bone
Remodeled to lamellar bone (parallel alignment of collagen into sheets)
Endochondral ossification bones formed
Long bones, vertebral column, pelvis, sternum, skull base
Endochondral ossification mesenchyme cell differentiation
Into chondroblasts that produce a cartilage model
Endochondral ossification cartilage
Becomes vascularized and is replaced by bone matrix
Endochondral ossification remaining cartilage
Found at surface of epiphysis as articular cartilage, then between epiphysis and diaphysis as the epiphyseal plate
Epiphyseal plate role
Regulates the growth in length of long bones
Epiphyseal plate proliferation
Occurs at the epiphyseal side of plate, replacement by bone is on the diaphyseal side
Epiphyseal plate bone growth duration
As long as the rate of cell division is equal to that of cell death and ossification, typically until the 20th year of life
Segments of paraxial mesoderm
Somitomere mesoderm contributions
1-7 to the head and neck, the rest condense into somites
Differentiate into sclerotome, myotome, and dermatome
Axial skeleton, formed by cells of the ventral and medial wall of somite that lose epithelial arrangement and migrate towards the notochord
Remaining cells following sclerotome migration, will turn into dermatome and myotome
White, dermis of skin
Red, skeletal muscle
Myotome - two splits
Dorsal epimere, ventral hypomere
Develops into intrinsic back muscles
Develops into limb and body wall muscles
Dorsal and ventral condensation
Hypomere cells that migrate into the limb bud to become skeletal muscles of the limbs
Dorsal condensation
Gives rise to extensor muscles
Ventral condensation
Gives rise to flexor muscles
Skeletal muscle differentiation cause
Caused by growth factors inducing the expression of transcription factors
Skeletal muscle differentiation steps
Somatic epithelium, myogenic progenitor cells (mitotic phase), myoblast, myotube, myofiber with muscle satellite cells/stem cells (postmitotic phase)
Growth factors in skeletal muscle differentiation
Transcription factors in skeletal muscle differentiation
Myf-5, Pax-3
Gives rise to Myogenin and MyoD
Gives rise to MyoD
Gives rise to myoblast genes (actin, myosin) or myogenin
Gives rise to myotube genes (troponin, tropo-myosin, etc) or MRF-4
Gives rise to myofiber genes
Axons of motor neurons
Enter limb bud in 5th week of development, grow into dorsal and ventral muscle masses
Axons of sensory neurons
Enter limb bud after motor axons, supply dermatomes, which are areas of skin innervated by a single spinal nerve and its dorsal root ganglion
Weeks 4-5
Most susceptible to teratogen induced limb malformations
Three categories of human limb defects
Reduction defects, duplication defects, and dysplasia
Reduction defect definition
Part of (meromelia) or entire limb (amelia) is missing, phocomelia is a type where hands of feet project directly from shoulder or hip
Reduction defect example
Thalidomide (a teratogen) causes meromelia (at 5 weeks) and amelia (at 4 weeks)
Critical period of limb development
24-36 days
Reduction defect thalidomide mechanism
Disruption of the AER
Duplication defect definition
Extra limb elements are present (polydactyly)
Duplication defect mechanism
Duplication of the ZPA
Dysplasia definition
Malformation of part of the limb (syndactyly)
Dysplasia mechanism
AER doesn’t break down between digits, so apoptosis doesn’t occur normally when forming digits
Abnormal fusion of digits due to reduced apoptosis