Follicular Disorders Flashcards
Acne age
Usually between 11-30 years old, typical onset in adolescence
Acne long term effects
Permanent scarring, psychosocial withdrawals, decreased quality of life
Acne pathogenesis
Pilosebaceous unit obstruction, increased sebum production (hormonal influence), bacterial proliferation, inflammation
Acne triggers
Stres, hormonal fluctuation/menses, mechanical/occlusion, medications, pathologic androgen excess, diet
Acne stages - mild
Normal, open comedo (blackhead)
Acne stages - moderate
Closed comedo (whitehead), papule
Acne stages - severe
Acne lesion types - active
Microcomedone, open comedone (blackhead), closed comedone (whitehead), papule, pustule, nodule/cyst/sinus tract
Acne lesion types - sequelae
Dypigmentation (post inflammatory hyperpigmentation), scarring (hypertrophic/keloidal, atrophic/pitting/ice pick)
Acne categorizing
Mild, moderate, severe, comedonal, inflammatory, nodulocystic, hormonal, with or without scarring, truncal involvement, impact on quality of life
Acne conglobata and acne fulminans morphology
Severe presentation, multiple connecting sinuses/tract, scarring
Acne conglobata and acne fulminans age
Usually teen males
Acne conglobata and acne fulminans associated diseases
May have systemic symptoms/body pain, associated auto inflammatory syndromes - pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, cystic acne, hidradenitis suppuritiva
Acne conglobata and acne fulminans treatment
Very aggressive and needs referral
Acne excoriee definition
“Factitial dermatitis”, exogenous manipulation
Acne excoriee associated disease
Anxiety, OCD, body dysmorphic issues
Acne excoriee treatment
Topicals, recognize behavior and refer to behavioral health
Acne treatment - mild comedonal
Topical retinoid, salicylic acid, maybe benzoyl peroxide
Acne treatment - mild inflammatory or mixed
Combo topical therapy: benzoyl peroxide, antibiotic, retinoid
Acne treatment - moderate inflammatory or mixed
Benzoyl peroxide, antibiotic, retinoid, oral antibiotic, maybe hormonal treatment
Acne treatment - severe inflammatory or mixed
Benzoyl peroxide, antibiotic, retinoid, oral antibiotic, hormonal or isotretinoin treatment
Acne treatment - hormonal
OCP/spironolactone with or without topicals
Acne treatment - nodulocystic
Isotrentinoin or other
Postinflammatory dyspigmentation definition
Increased melanin deposition within epidermis, possibly worsened by sun exposure