Muscular System #3 Flashcards
What is an attachment site that does not move?
What is an attachment site that does move?
What is the name of the muscle that is responsible for most of the movement?
Prime mover/ agonist
What is the name of the muscles that helps the prime mover by stabilizing joints?
What produces movement opposite to the prime mover?
What is the anatomical term that means wasting away of a muscle?
What motion describes bending a body part so that the angle is decreased?
What motion describes straightening a body part so that angle is increased?
What movement describes turning the foot and ankle inward?
What movement describes turning the foot and ankle outward?
What movement describes turning the palm of the hand downward?
What movement describes turning the palm of the hand upward?
What muscle pulls the head to one side?
What muscles raise the eyebrows?
What muscle abducts and extends the arm at the shoulder?
What muscle flexes the arm at the elbow?
Biceps brachill
What muscle extends the arm at the elbow?
Triceps brachili
What muscles pull the arm across the chest?
Pectoralis major
What muscle flexes and abducts the wrist?
Flexor carpi radials/ulnaris
What muscle extends the wrist?
Extensor carpi ulnaris
What anatomical structure separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?
What muscle extends the finger but not the thumb?
Extensor digitorum
What muscle expands and lowers the ribs during breathing?
External and internal intercoastals
What muscle compresses the abdominal wall?
External/Internal obliques
What muscle flexes the thigh?
Psoas major and iliacus
What muscle extends the thigh?
Gluteus maximus
What muscles adduct the thigh?
Adducter longus and magnus
What muscle flexes the leg at the knee and extends the leg at the hip?
BIceps femoris, Semitendi
What extends the leg at the knee?
What muscle flexes the foot and flexes the leg at the knee?
What term describes injuries due to over-stretched muscles or tendons?
What term describes injuries that result in tears to tendons, ligaments, and/or cartilage of joint?
What disorder affects the gastrointestinal tract and various muscle groups - is a rare and potentially fatal illness caused by a toxin?
What is the name of the disorder that is a fairly common condition that causes chronic pain primarily in joints, muscles, and tendons?
What is an inherited disorder characterized by muscle weakness and a loss of muscle tissue?
Muscular dystrophy
What is a painful inflammation of a tendon and the tendon-muscle attachment to a bone?
Myasthenia gravis
What does the acronym RICE mean?
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevating, (Prevention)
How long should someone leave ice on an injury?
After an acute injury, how many hours can a person use ice and it still be effective?
24-72 hours
List the three things that can help prevent strains and sprains:
- Warm up muscles
- Stretching
- Cooling down
Enlargement of the …………….
Pointing the toes up
Splenius Capitis
Rotates the head, allows it to bend to the side