muscular 22 Flashcards
• connects skeletal muscle to bone.
• are broad, sheetlike tendons.
• is a band of connective tissue that holds down the tendons at each wrist and ankle.
the most stationary, fixed, end of a muscle.
is the end of the muscle attached to the bone undergoing the greatest movement.
the part of the muscle between the origin and the insertion
a single or group of muscles working together.
a muscle or group of muscles that oppose muscle actions.
• members of a group of muscles working together to produced movement
• Brachii and brachialis
• Deltoid, biceps brachii, and pectoralis major
• one muscle plays the major role to accomplish the desired movement.
• Ex: Brachialis is the prime mover in flexing the elbow
prime movers
• Are muscles that hold one bone in place
• stabilize origin of prime mover
• Scapular muscles acts as a fixator to hold the scapula in place.
• Wall of the cheeks
• flattens the cheek (as in whistling or blowing a trumpet)
• “Kissing Muscle or Trumpeter’s muscle
• Compresses cheek to hold food teeth
• Lower corners of mouth/depresses the corner of mouth
depressor anguli oris
Elevates one side of the upper lip
levator labii superioris
Moves scalp, raises eyebrows, and to wrinkle your forehead
• closes the mouth and protrudes the lips,
• the “kissing” muscle
orbicularis oris
• close the eyes, squint, blink, and wink.
orbicularis oris
• the “smiling” muscle
• elevate the upper lip and corner of the mouth.
• closes the jaw by elevating and pushing the mandible anteriorly
elevates and draws mandible posteriorly.
pushes the mandible anteriorly and depresses mandible, close the jaw
pushes the mandible anteriorly and elevates mandible; closes the jaw
involved in changing the shape of the tongue
help change the shape and move the tongue
(digastric, geniohyoid, stylohyoid, hyoglossus)
elevates or stabilized hyoid
depresses or stabilizes hyoid
originate on the anterior side of the vertebra which flex the head and neck
neck flexors
originate on the posterior side of the vertebra that extend the head and neck
neck extensor
Individually rotate the head; together it flex the neck
Pull the corners of the mouth inferiorly
Extends and laterally flexes the neck
Extends vertebral column & maintain posture.
Divides in 3 column; Iliocostalis, longissimus, Spinalis.
erector spinae
elevates the ribs, during inspiration
elevate ribs for inspiration
external intercostals
depress ribs during forced expiration
internal intercostals
moves during quiet breathing
center of abdomen
rectus abdominis
sides of abdomen
external abdominal oblique
compress abdomen
internal abdominal oblique
compress abdominis
transverse abdominis
• Levator ani
• Ischiocavernosus
• Bulbospongiosus
• Deep transverse perineal
• Superficial transverse
perineum muscles
• shoulders and upper back
• extends neck and head
• Elevates, depress, retracts, rotates, and fixes scapula
• Located in the chest
• Depresses scapula or elevates ribs
pectoralis minor
• between ribs (1-9)
• Rotates and protracts scapula; elevates ribs
serratus anterior
• elevates., retracts, and rotates scapula
• Laterally flexes the neck
levator scapulae
• Retracts, rotates, and fixes scapula
major and minor rhomboids
Flexes and extend shoulder; abducts and medially and laterally rotates the arm
deltoid muscle
3 heads, extends elbow, extend shoulders, adducts the arm
triceps brachii
“flexing muscle”, flexes elbow and shoulder
biceps brachii
flexes elbow
• lower back
• extends shoulder, adducts and medially rotates the forearm
latissimus dorsi
tightens skin of palm
palmaris longus
flex and abducts wrist
flexor carpi radialis
flexes and adducts wrist
flexor carpi ulnaris
flex fingers & wrist
flexor digitorum profundus
flexor digitorum superficialis
pronates forearm
flexes the elbow
extends & abducts wrist
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensor carpi radialis longus
extends & adducts wrist
extensor carpi ulnaris
extensor digitorum
supinates forearm
covers the flexors and extensor tendons and holds them in place around the wrist
nineteen muscles which are located within the hand
instrinsic hand muscle
located in the metacarpal bones responsible for abduction and adduction of fingers
interossei muscle
Anterior muscle that flexes hip
• buttocks
• extends hip, abducts and laterally rotates the thigh
• Not ideal for IM injection
gluteus maximus
• abducts and medially rotates the thigh
• steadies pelvis during walking
• Ideal site of IM injection
gluteus medius
• A thick band of fascia on the lateral side of the thigh
• Helps steady the femur on the tibia when standing
tensor fasciae latae
• longest muscle in the body
•tailor’s” muscle
• it flexed the hip and knee and rotates the thigh laterally for sitting cross legged.
Adducts thigh and flexes knee
flexes the hip; adducts and laterally rotates the thigh
adductor longus
extends the hip; adducts and laterally rotates the thigh
adductor magnus
• back of thigh
• flexes knee, rotates leg, extends hip
hamstring muscle
flexes the knee, extend the hip, laterally rotates the leg
biceps femoris
flex knee and extend the hip, medially rotates the leg
• calf
• plantarflexes the foot; flexes the leg
• “toe dancer’s” muscle
• attaches to ankle
• Plantar flexes the foot
Plantar flexes and everts the foot
extends the four lateral toes; dorsiflexes and everts foot
extensor digitorum longus
extend great toes; dorsiflex and inverts foot
extensor hallucis longus
dorsiflexes and inverts the foot
tibialis anterior
dorsiflexes and everts the foot
fibularis/ peroneus tertius