multiply injured patient Flashcards
leading cause of death for first 4 decades of life
Thomas splint
introduced in WW1 and has decreased mortality rate in femoral fracture
good quality trauma care - 5 steps
prevention pre-hospital care acute trauma care special definitive care rehab
trauma network
all providers eg pre hospital services, smaller local trauma units and rehab services
Major trauma centres
multi-speciality hospital care to seriously injured patients
How is the team alerted of the patient?
trauma call pre-alert
pre-alert team
ED, anaesthetics, radiology, surgery
paramedic handover includes what?
time and mechanism of injury
suspected serious injuries
vital signs
interventions carried out
primary survey
detects and treats immediate threats to life
secondary survey
identification of all injuries and more detailed history
ABC approach
ABCDE and a bit of info
Airway - C spine control Breathing with O2 circ with haemorrhage control Disability exposure and environment
catastrophic haemorrhage
assessing airway
noises eg speech
visual eg swelling, vomit
airway management
advanced procedures