Learning guide definitions Flashcards
Adhesive capsulitis
“frozen shoulder”
middle age and elderly
3 phases - pain, stiff, thaw
Anatomical snuffbox
Area on radial side of wrist
tip of radial styloid and tendons of EPL and AP
closest to scaphoid - pain can be scaphoid fracture
Ankylosing spondylitis
Chronic, inflammatory arthritis and autoimmune disease
Joints in spine and sacroilium
eventual fusion of spine
spondyloarthropathies - strong genetic link
Antalgic gait
limp to avoid pain on weight bearing structures eg knee, hip, ankle
short stance phase on injured side
Apraxic gait
Loss of ability to carry out familiar, purposeful movements in absence of paralysis or motor/sensory impairment
replacement of a joint
only one side of joint resurfaced
Ataxic gait
unsteady un co-ordinated walk with wide base of support and feet outward
cerebellar lesion?
bony blood supply disrupted following trauma
displaced fractures - femur, scaphoid, talus
Barton’s fracture
intra-articular fracture of distal radius with dislocation of radiocarpal joint
fall on extended and pronated wrist
Bennet’s fracture
oblique fracture of base of thumb metacarpal
Bow legs
also called genu varum
legs curve out to leave a gap between the knees after infancy passed
rate at which a person walks
steps per minute
Callus formation
second stage of fracture healing
periosteal cells proximal to fracture develop into chondroblasts which form hyaline cartilage
distal to fracture = osteobalsts –> woven bone
Carpal tunnel syndrome
entrapment of median nerve as it passes through carpal tunnel
tingling, pain, numb over median nerve distribution
Cauda equina syndrome
medical emergency due to compressing nerve roots below conus medularis
central disc prolapse
Charcot’s arthropathy
progressive disease of weight bearing joints
foot and ankle
destruction of bone and soft tissue - joint dislocation, fractures and deformities
congenital talipes equinovarus
inversion at subtalar joint
adduction at talonavicular
breech position
Colle’s fracture
distal fracture of radius
“dinner fork” deformity
dorsal displacement and angulation
falling on outstretched hand
Compartment syndrome
muscle swells within restrained fascial compartment
neuro-vascular damage
De Quervain’s tenovaginitis
inflammation of the tendon sheath that surrounds EPB and APL
ulnar adduction painful
Finklestein’s test
Delayed union
prolongation of time to fracture healing
infection, inadequate blood supply or incorrect splintage
bones in a joint displaced or misalligned
subluxation is partial dislocation
drop foot
deep fibular nerve damage
unable to dorsiflex foot
Dupuytren’s contracture
thickening and shortening of longitudinal fibres of palmar and digit fascia
draws fingers down to palm
Enteropathic spondyloarthropathies
arthritis associated with IBD
lateral - tennis elbow. forearm extensor origin
medial - golfers. Forearm flexor origin
cystic swelling on or around joints and tendons in hand and foot
scapho-lunate joint
Greenstick fracture
incompletely fractured with portion of cortex and periosteum intact on compression side
Impingement syndrome
subacromial bursa and rotator cuff inflammation
impinge when shoulder abducts and supraspinatus tendon contracts under acromion
painful arc syndrome
Intervertebral disc herniation
central nucelus pulposus herniates through defect in annulus fibrosus
lumbar region
Lesch-nyan syndrome
deficiency of enzyme HGPRT
hyperuricaemia and hyperuricosuria
mental retardation, severe gout and kidney problems
power to move from one place to another
Mallet finger
extensor tendon torn from insertion when DIP is flexed forcibly
pain in forefoot in relation to metatarsal heads
open fracture
direct communication between fracture in bone and external environment - usually skin surface
progressive gradual loss of joint articular cartilage
bony spurs - osteophytes
subchondral bone sclerosis
cysts at margins of joints
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Brittle bone disease
improper type 1 collagen production or formation
bones fracture early
8 different types
soft bone
defective mineralisation of bone - accumulation of unmineralised bone matrix = osteoid
compromised bone strength
bone density and quality
operation that alters alignment of bone
young males with medial compartment OA of knee
commonest primary malignant bone tumour in young
osteoclasts with abnormal repair and alteration in bone repair
impairment of motor and sensory function of lower extremities
idiopathic avascular osteonecrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis
collapse and deformity of joint
polymyalgia rheumatica
pain and stiff in neck, shoulders and hips secondary to inflammation
associated with temporal arteritis
inflammatory disease of muscles without skin involvement
psoriatic arthritis
inflammatory arthritis in 10-30% with psoriasis
seronegative spondyloarthropathies
paralysis of all limbs and torso
sensory and motor loss
discolouration of fingers and toes secondary to peripheral vasoconstriction and tissue hypoxia
Reactive arthritis
seronegative spondyloarthropathy
autoimmune condition
following an infection
Reiters syndrome
reactive arthritis
children - defective mineralisation of bone before closure of epiphysis
growth plate thick, wide and irregular
salter harris fracture
epiphyseal growth plate
malignant tumour arising from connective tissues
lateral and rotational curvature of spine in coronal plane
septic arthritis
invasion of joint by bacteria
sero -ve spondyloarthrotides
HLA-B27 spine and SI joint asymmetrical enthesitis RF -ve ankylosing spondylitis psoriatic arthritis reactive arthritis reiter's syndrome enteropathic arthritis
exocrine gland destruction - lacrimal and salivary
fracture through capital femoral physis
slippage of overlying epiphysis
smiths fracture
distal radius - direct blow to dorsal forearm or fall onto flexed wrist
volar displacement
hypertonic skeletal muscle
spina bifida
developmental birth effect caused by incomplete closing of embryonic neural tube
spiral fracture
oblique and encircles shaft
rotational force
degenerative OA of facet joints
stress fracture
small linear fracture due to repeated stress
stride length
distance from right heel contact to following right heel contact
stride period
period of time in seconds from initial contact of one foot to following initial contact of same foot
antibody complex formation
systemic scleroderma
skin, MSK, pulmonary, GI, vascular and renal complications
temporal arteritis
Inflammatory diseases of blood vessels
large and medium arteries of the head
GCA + polymyalgia rheumatica
neck deformity and reduced movement
muscle spasms
lateral flexion contraction
spinal accessory nerve
Trendelenburg gait
weak abductor muscles of hip - gluteus medius and minimus
trigger finger
flexor tendon does not run freely through flexor tendon sheath tunnel at base of digit
fully flexed digit
stenosing tenosynovitis