Multiple Sclerosis Flashcards
Is MS a disease of the old or young?
What is MS?
An autoimmune inflammatory disease that affects the myelin sheath surrounding neurons
Is MS a grey or white matter disease?
White matter
What type of process is demyelination?
Is MS a disease of the CNS or PNS?
How does MS manifest?
Depends where the inflammation of the myelin is present
How does demyelination occur?
Activated T cells cross the BBB and attack causing demyelination
What can be seen on an MRI of MS?
Lesions or plaques of scarring where the myelin has attempted to repair itself
Black holes
Which country has the highest prevalence of MS?
Does MS affect more M or F?
Describe the relationship of MS to the earths equator?
The further you move away from the equator the greater the incidence of MS
Is there a genetic link with MS?
Which is the highest age group being diagnosed with MS?
What is the initial presentation of MS?
Present with a relapse of an attack of demyelination
Give some examples of MS relapses
Optic neuritis Sensory symptoms Limb weakness Brainstem diplopia Vertigo Signs including or excluding the bladder (e.g urine incontinence)
What are the symptoms of optic neuritis?
Subacute visual loss
Pain on moving the eye
What are the signs of optic neuritis?
Initial swelling of optic disc
Optic atrophy
Relavent afferent pupillary defect
What are the potential signs an symptoms of a brainstem relapse in MS?
Problems with eye movements (CN III,IV and VI) Vertigo, nystagmus, ataxia (CNVIII) Sensory involvement Upper motor neurone changes limbs
Where can MS relapses occur?
Anywhere in the CNS
What are some symptoms of an MS relapse?
Optic neuritis Sensory symptoms Limb weakness Brainstem diplopia/vertigo/ataxia Spinal cord - bilateral symptoms and signs +/_ bladder
What is myelitis?
Inflammation of the spinal cord
What is the definition of MS?
Episodes of demyelination disseminated in space AND time
What are the signs and symptoms of myelitis?
Sensory level often with band of hyperaesthesia Weakness/ upper motor neurone changes below level Bladder and bowel involvement - urinary retention - Constipation May be painful
Is an isolated episode of demyelination MS?
MS = episode of demylelination disseminated in space and time
There has to be another episode
Where is a common site for MS relapse?
Variable sites and severity
Totally unpredictable
Totally variable