MSK Disorders Flashcards
UMN characteristics
-lesion site: cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, brainstem, SC
-mus tone: spasticity, rigidity
-sensory loss: cortical sensations
-EMG: norm nerve conduction, decreased interference pattern and firing rate
LMN characteristics
-lesion site: anterior horn cell, n roots, peripheral n’s, neuromuscular jct
-mus weakness: myo/neuropathy
-mus tone: hypotonia
-sensory loss: peripheral sensations
-EMG: abnormal, lg motor units
Spasms characteristics
-involuntary mus contractions
-etiology: peripheral, mus sprain, n compression
-symptoms: jerks, twitches, cramps
-causes: mus pain, fibromyalgia, sciatica, herniated disc
Spasticity characteristics
-velocity dependent
-etiology: central, disorder of UMN
-symps: stiffness, hypertonicity, hyperreflexia
-causes: MS, cerebral palsy, SCI, TBI, stroke
Key neurological disorders associated w/ spasticity
MS, stroke, CP, SCI, TBI, neurodegenerative diseases
What are skeletal muscle relaxants
anti-spasticity or antispasmodic agents
Baclofen MOA and administration
GABA agonist, facilitates spinal inhibition of motor neurons
-taken orally or administered directly into the spinal fluid
Baclofen AE
-drowsiness (goes away in few days)
-sometimes confusion and hallucinations
-nausea, nm weakness, headache
Cyclobenzaprine MOA
poorly understood inhibition of mus stx reflex in SC
Cyclobenzaprine AE
-drowsiness, dizziness
-nausea, lightheadedness, vertigo, ataxia, headache
-tolerance and physical dependence
Dantrolene MOA and administration
inhibits release of calcium from skeletal mus sarcoplasmic reticulum
IV, oral
Dantrolene AE
-generalized mus weakness most common
-severe hepatotoxicity and fatal hepatitis
Diazepam MOA
facilitates GABAergic transmission in CNS; relaxes mus
Diazepam AE
-sudden withdrawal causes seizures, anxiety, agitation, tachycardia, death
-OD -> coma, death
Tizanidine MOA and administration
Alpha 2 - adrenoreceptor agonist in SC; pre and post synaptic inhibition of reflex motor output