MSK, ankle, foot, knee, hand, dequervains Flashcards
ankle sprain
grade 1
grade 2
grade 3
grade 1- stretching small tears
grade 2- larger incomplete tear
grade 3- complete tear
ankle sprain tx
grade 1 and 2
grade 3
protection (24hrs no weight) , rest, ice, compression, elevation, rehab/nsaids
same tx over 6 weeks, if no improvement=surgery
plantar fascitis point tenderness
at heel
Plantar fascitis risk factors
overuse of plantar fascia, ^activities, weight, age
plantar fascitis sx
heel (calcaneous) pain worse w first steps or after sitting, decreases w activity
^pain w dorsiflexion of toes; tight achilles tendon
plantar fasciitis mgmt
shock absorbing shoes, nsaids, ice, steroid inj, no flat shoes, vWeight, splints, short leg cast
(knee pain) what is the cause of a meniscal tear?
rice, nsaids, if joint not locked = peripheral tear/can spontaneously heal
what is mcmurrays test
pt supine w knee flexed, extend and turn calf out to test medial menisci, in to test lateral
positive mcmurrays test-
crepitus and pain= tear
cause of torn ligament?
impact while stretched
posterior drawer test
tests anterior talofibular ligament (ankle twist)
bakers cyst
joint lubricating fluid dills bursa behind knee, needs steroid injection, drained, or compression
first dorsal compartment- inflammation, stenosing, degeneration of tendon sheath (painters,hammer,wringing clothes)
Dequervains tx
thumb spica splint 3-4 weeks, nsaids, steroid inj if nsaid doesnt work
>3mo=surgery-incision to free the tendons
Tinels test
phalens test
tinels test- tapping over carpal tunnel = numbness
phalens-hold back of hands together facing down 60 sec
(middle of ring finger-thumb numb)
carpal tunnel tx
nsaids, wrist splint, steroid inj
sprain vs strain and tx
price, air cast, rom, nsaids, tylenol (kids)