MSK Flashcards
epidermis layers (surface to base)
corneum lucidum granulosum spinosum basle
gland type that secretes stinky sweat and funk
injury in unhappy triad
ACL, MCL and meniscus (classicly triad)
anterior drawer tests for
ACL tear
abnormal passive abduction
MCL tear
where to place pudendal nerve block
ischeal spine
where you do a lumbar puncture
line of iliac crest
inervates rotator cuff
wrist bone
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform trapezoid, capitate, hamate
dislocation of what bone can give acute carpal tunnel
causes lesion of axillary nerve
fracture of surgical nerve of humerous, dislocation od humerous, im injection
causes lesion of radial nerve
midshaft humerous fracture
causes lesion of deep branch of radial nerve
subluxation of radius
recurrent branch of median nerve inervates
thenar emenince
causes lesion of C7 root
cervical disk lesion
causes lesion of lower branch of brachial plexus
compressed by cervical rib, pancoast tumor
causes lesion of radial nerve
compressed in axilla by crutch
causes lesion of median nerve
supracondylar fracture of humerus , protanor teres syndrome
causes lesion of ulnar erve
repeat minor trauma, fracture of medial epicondyle
causes lesion of ulnar nerve in hand only
trauma to heel of hand, fracture to hook of hamate
radial nerve innervates in hand
thumb side of dorsum
casues waiter’s hand
lesion of upper trunk
causes claw hand
lesion of lower trunk
causes wrist drop
lesion of posterior cord
causes deltoid paralysis
lesion of axillary nreve
causes wrist drop
radial nerve
causes “pope’s blessing”
mediean branch
causes claw hand
lesion of ulnar nerve
inervates hand extensors
inervates hand flexors
roots of axillary nerve
C5, C6
roots of radial nerve
roots of median nerve
C5-C8, T1
roots of ulnar nerve
C8, T1
roots of MC nerve
abduct the fingers
dorsal interosseus
adduct the fingers
median innervated muscles in hand
openens pollicis, APB, FPB
ulnar mad muscles
root of obturator
root of femoral n
common peroneal n
root of tibial n
root of superior gluteal n
root of inferior glut nerve
sciatic nerve roots
injures obturator
anterior hip dislocation
injures femoral n (
pelvic reacture
injures common peroneal n
injury of lateral aspect of leg ot fibula neck fracture
injures tibeal n
knee trauma
injures S glu
posterior hip dislocation or polio
injures if gluteal n
posterior hip dislocation
obturator n lesion deficit
thigh abduction/medial thigh sensory
femoral n lesion deficit
thigh flexion/leg extenstion, anterior thigh and medial leg sensory
tibial n lesion deficit
foot inversion and panterflexion/ sole of foot sensory
thigh abduction deficit (trendelnburg sign)
lesion of sup gluteal n
can;t push down on leg
lesion of inf glut
contraction results in shorting of
H and I bands, and space between Z lines
bone type growing by endochondral ossification
axial and appidecular skeleton and base of skull
when you see woven bones in adults
after fracture and Paget’s
bone formed without cartilage
calvarium and facial bones (membranous ossification)
effect of estrogen on bone bioogy
inhibts apoptosis in blasts, induces apoptosis in clasts