basic embryology Flashcards
function of sonic hedgehog gene
patterning along anterior/posterior axis. incoved in CNS development
function of wnt-7 gene
proper orginization along dorsal-ventral axis
funtion of FGF gene
stimulates underling mesoderm - lengthens limbs
function of Hox genes
segmental orginization of embryo in crainocaudal direction - mutations result in appendages in the wrong locations
time of first HCG secretion
week one
bilaminar disk formation time
week 2
time neural tube forms and closes
3-8 weeks
when heart begins to beat
4 weeks
when limb buds start to form
4 weeks
when genatalia start to take on charecteristcs
10 weeks
orininates from surface ectoderm
adenohyophosis, lens of eye, epithelial linings of oral cavity, sensory organs of ear, epidermis, parotid, sweat and mammary glands
originates from neuroectoderm
brain, retina, optic nerve, spinal cord
orginates from neural crest
PNS, melanocytes, chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla, C cells of thyroid, bones of skull, teeth, aorticopulmonary septum
originates from mesoderm
muscle, bone, connective tissue, serous linings of body cavities, spleen, CV structures, lymphatics, blood, wall of gut tube, kidneys, wall of bladder, vagina, dermis, testes, ovaries
originates from endoderm
gut tube epithelium, lungs, liver, galbladder, pancreas, thymus, PTH, thyroid follicular cells
Birth defect caused by ACEi
renal damage
Birth defect caused by alkylating agents
abcense of digits,
Birth defect caused by aminoglycosides
Birth defect caused by carbamaxepine
neuro tube defects, craniofacial defects, development delay
Birth defect caused by DES
vaginal cleat cell cancer, congenital mullerian anamolaies
Birth defect caused by folate antagonists
neural tube defects
Birth defect caused by lithium
ebstein’s anomaly (atrialized RV)
Birth defect caused by phenytoin
microcephaly, dysmorphic craniofacial features, hypoplastic nails, and distal phalenges, cardiac defects
Birth defect caused by tetracyclines
discolored teeeth
Birth defect caused by thalimodies
limb defects
Birth defect caused by valproate
neural tube defect (mom does not absorb folate)
Birth defect caused by warafin
bone deformaties, fetal hemorrgahe, abortion, eye defects (use heparin instead)
Birth defect caused by lack of iodine
congential goiter or hypothyroidism
Birth defect caused by maternal diabetes
caudal regression syndrome, congentital heart defects, neural tube defects, neonatal hypoglycemia
Birth defect caused by excess vitamin A
very high risk for abortion and birth defects
Birth defect caused by maternal smoking
ADHD, placental problems
Birth defect caused by cocaine
placental abruption
most monozygotic twins share this
placenta (but not cord) or amniotic sacs)
most dizygotic twins share
inner layer of chorinic villi (makes the baby)
outer layer of choronic villi, secretes HGC
how many umblical arteries are there?
how many umbilical veins are there
failure of obiliteration of urachus
urine discharge from umbillicus, outpouching of bladder
failure of vitelline duct to close
meconium discharge from umbilicus, merckel’s divericulum
derives from 1st aortic arch
maxillary artery
derives from from 2nd aortic arch
stepdial artery and hyiod artery
derives from 3rd aortic arch
common carotid artery and proximial internal carotid
derives from from 4th aortic arch
left - aortic arch, right - proximal part of righ subclavian
derives from 6th aortic arch
proximal part of pulmonary arteries and ductus arteriosus
derives from from 1st brachial cleft
external ear
derives from 1st brachial arch
MMMMMM mandible, malleus, incus, muscles of mastication, mylohyoid CN V2/3
treacher collins syndrome
mandibular hypoplasia and fascial abnormalitues (think that dude from ALLTEL)
derives from 2nd bracial arch
SSSS!! stapes, styloid, Smile (CNVII)
derives from from 3rd brachial arch
stylopharengeus, CN IX (glossapharyngeal)
derives from 406 brachial arch
thyroid, cricoid and rest of throatcartliges, muscles of larynx, CN X (superior laryngeal arch)
derives from 1st brancial puch
middle ear
derives from 2nd brachial pouch
lining of adneoid
derives from 3rd brachial pouch
inferoir PTH/thymus
derives from 4th brachial pouch
superior PTH
diGeorge syndrome
lack of thymus and PTH from aberrent development of 3rd and 4th pouch
mutation behind MEN2
germline RET
tumors in MEN2
pheo, PTH, parafolicular cells (medullary thyroid)
degenerates in female genital development
mesonepheric (wolfiian) duct
gene on Y chromosome that makes males
supresses paramesonephric (mulllerian) development
MIF (from sertolic cells
wolfian duct develops into
male internal structures (except prostate)
results from incomplete fusion of mullerian duct
bicornate uterus
results of lack of sertoli cells or mullian inhibitory factor
development of both male and female internal genetalia and male external genatalia
effect of 5a-reductase
male internal genetalia, ambigous external genetalis until puberty
failure of male genital fold to close
faulty positioning of gental tuberacle