motor function Flashcards
corticospinal tracts: differentiate the anterior and lateral corticospinal tracts with respect to muscles supplied
descending motor pathways diagram

corticobulbar pathways

voluntary muscle pathway: lateral corticospinal tract (largest pathway)
primary motor cortex -> Betz cell (5th layer) fibres with long axon pass down through internal capsule (through basal ganglia) down same side to midbrain (cerebral peduncle) where can see externally -> passes down through pons where can’t see externally due to transverse fibres (link 2 halves of cerebellum) -> pyramids reemerge at medulla -> decussation at base of medulla -> descend in spinal cord down lateral corticospinal tract -> project to ventral horn (grey matter with large alpha motor neurones - synapse) and ventral root at appropriate level -> go out to musculature (contralateral control)
voluntary muscle pathway: anterior corticospinal tract
very similar, but descend at anterior corticospinal tract with decussation at level of spinal cord -> innervate thorax, intercostal and axial musculature - not many muscles so not huge motor neurone component at this level (ipsilateral)
corticobulbar tract (refers to motor neurones in brainstem - cranial nerve nuclei) e.g. hypoglossal
primary motor cortex -> fibres through internal capsule -> synapse in brainstem -> hypoglossal (XII) nucleus near midline in medulla -> nerve fibres pass out to supply motor activity to tongue