Motivatig staff Flashcards
What are teh non financial incentives
Extra responsibility, praising people, teamworking, training, flexible working practices, increased holidays, employee of the month, involved in decision making
What are the financial incentives
Bonus for reacing a target, pay rise
What are the benfits fo motivating staff
Staff will work harder, happy working environment, less likely to be absent of leave, better quality work, improved reputation as an employer. This means its easier to recruit new employees
What are the problems of motivating staff
Expenisce, may noyl work for the short time, may cause resentment between workers, demotivate if never acheived
Problems of not motivating staff
poor quality work, staff do not feel valued, high staff absenteeism, poor customer service, difficult to recruit staff, poor relations between staff and managers
What is a salary?
When you are paid a yearly amount for the work you do
Describe features of a salary
the salary is split into 12 fixed monthly payments , ther ei sno incentive to work hard, normally used for skilled workers
What is time rate?
When you are paid per hour that you work
Describe the features of time rate
The more hours you work the more pay you receive
van encourage employees to work at a slower pace
normally used for skilled or unskilled workers
What is overtime?
When you work extra hours on top of you basic hours
Describe the features of overtime
Higher rate fo pay is normally paid
optional for employees
not always available
What si piece rate
When you are paid per item that you produce
Describe the fatures of piece rate
Used in manufacturing
encourages hard work so more pay can be earned
can encourgae poor quality work
new employees dont earn as much as experienced workers
normally used for unskilled workers
What is a bonus
Additional money paid on top of a salary or time rate
Describe the features of a bonus
Paid as a reward to hard work or meeting a target
What is a commission
When you are paid a percentage of sales on top of a low salary
Describe features of a commission
Used in sales industry
encourgaes hard work to sell more
stressful on employees and encourages pushy sales people
Describe the feature of part time working practices
working less than full time
normally around 16 hours a week
Describe the features of full time working practices
traditional working 36-40 hours a week
working monday to friday
Describe permenant working practice
When employees have a job for as long as they want o ras long as the business exists
Describe the features of a temporary contract
When employees work for a short period fo time
can be guaranteed work for 6 months or a year
normally to cover busy periods
Describe teleworking
When employees work away fromt eh office using ICT to communicate
Describe fetaures of a job share
When 2 or more employees share a job
They share working hours, pay desk and responsibilities
needs good communication to avoid duplication fo work
Describe shift work
When employees work at different times of the day or night
to ensure that the organisation is always operational 24/7
employees working hours are flexible