marketing past paper questions Flashcards
Compare desk and field research
Field research is time consuming to carry out. Whereas desk research is easy to obtain and can be used immediately.
Field research is the most up do date information possible. Whereas desk research can not be rlevant as it is out of date.
Field research is relevant to your own needs. Whereas desk research may not be reliable as you didnt gather it
Describe the use of market research
To make sure the product meets the needs and wants fo the customers exactly.
To make sure the price is suitable for the target market.
To make sure the product si advertised in the correct place for the target market
Outline stages of product development
Generating an idea, producing a prototype, testing the product, deciding on advertising and promotions
discuss the use of own brands in a supermarket
Low prices can appeal to customers, gives customers a wider choice of price points, can cost a lot to develop and launch own brands, own brands can be perceived as low quality
Describe the term ethical marketing
a businesses marketing is ethical when it does not discriminate agianst, mislead or offend any customers
outline factors which should be considered before seetting a price for a product
how much profit you wwant to make, what your competitors are charging, the demand for the product, who your target market is
Describe pricing strategies that could be used by an organisation
When a high price is charged at all times,competitive pricing where you price match ro make your prices lower than your competitors, psychological pricing where a products price ends in 99p
explain the advanatges fo branding
Brands are associated with high quality. this means a high price can be charged.
rbands are instantly recognisable to customers. This emans they are more liekly to pick your product over your competitor
Customers may eb willing to pay mor efor branded products. This emans there will be an increase in profit
Justify the use of market segmentation
products will meet the needs and wants fo the cistoemrs exactly
to sell the product in the correct place.
to amke sure the product is sold at the correct place for the target market
to amke sure the promotions and advertsiing campaigns are placed in the correct place
describe the methods of sales promotion
loyalty cards where cutsoemr sare given points for making continued purchases.
free smaples to give custoemrs a small taster before making a purchase
special offers such as by one get one free
product placement where a business pays to have their productappear in films tv shows
outline the advanatges of packaging
can protect the product during transportation/ deliver
can make the product more attractive and encourage cutsomers to buy
csan inform cutsoemr shwo to successfuklly use the product
can provide nutritional information and health guidance
Explain factors which could eb considered prior to setting the price fo a product
How much competitors are charging. Therefore a business can price match their competitors or they may lose sales
the cost of the raw materials. Thsi emans if high quality raw materials is used a higher price can be charged
How much profit you wnat to make. Therefore there can ne investmenst amde for the business.
Explain the disadvantages of branding
Brands are often copied. This means the busensses sales ma be affected
Branded products are more expensiev to buy. This means customers may eb reduced
It is expensive to reate a brand. This means a business may lose profit
describe the benefits of using technology to promote the business
communication is possible all over the world
a more cost effective way of promoting the business
exlpain factors which would be considered before setting a price for a product
How much competitors are charging. this means a business should price match or they cna lose sales
how much profit you want to make. this emsans you will be able to invest in the business
the demand for the product. this means if it is in high demand a higher price can be charged
Outline ways in which a business can gain customer feedback
create a feedback section on a website
asking customers about their opinions
set up a focus group
Describe the use of market research
to identify cutsomers needs and wants
to identify the target market for the product
gains information on customers trends and behaviour
gains information on competiton
outline how the use of modern technology could improve marketing within an organisation
communication is possible all over the world
it is a more cost effective way of promoting the business
websites cna provide e- commerce which will increase sales
text messaging can get immediate feedback from customers
explain the factors a social enterprise would take into consideration before choosing a location
Location have parking availibility. this means donations can be dropped off easier
The location being arround other businesses. This means they will receive support
The cost of the premises. therefore it will affect running costs
Explain factors that would be considered before choosing a location
If the location has low rent costs. therefore it will help minimise the costs fo the business
the location should be close to customers. therefore it will give customers easy access
if the location is away from competition. therefore sales are likely to increase
if the location has parking close by. therefore it will be more convenient for customers and employees
Justify the use of emails in the marketing department
Can respond quickly to customers sales enquiries
Describe how technology can be used in the marketing functions
social media can be used to increase awarness of products
publisher can be used to create business posters
internet can be used to gather custome feedback through online surveys
Describe how an organisation can be ethical in their marketing activities
use technology to reduce the amount of paper used
ensure that adverts do not give misleading information
ensure that adverts do not offend customers beliefs
Describe methods of advertising
radio advertisng is producing an advert that be playes on local or national radio stations
Tv advertising is when an organisation pays to have a shirt advert played during the advert break if a tv programme
websites is an internet page containing promotional information
social media means sharing pictures, videos and written information that appears in peoples newsfeeds
newspaper advertising is images and infomration that can be printed on local papers